Peter ... was where ?

828 21 3

Steves p.o.v

*looking at text messages *

Random number - Hey hot stuff miss me ? ;)

Tony - uh... excuse me ?

Random number - aw, you don't remember me ? How sad

Tony - I'm sorry you must have the wrong number
I'm married

Random number -  . .  .

Random number - how sweet , and you didn't invite me to the wedding ?
Well that seems rude

Random number - maybe this will jab your memory

Dec 20

Tony -  . . . Thought you forgot about that
Leave me alone

Random number - aww now you remember

Tony - blocked

random number - you can run but you can't hide
;)  see you later sweetie  

Who is this person ?

Speaking of tony *hiccup* where is he ? *hiccup*

Hm... haven't had beer in so long , one more wouldn't hurt
"Ok computar search up t- I mean my Google history "
"Right away Mr stark "
This should be fun .....

Tony pov

It's been over an hour and still no sighn of Peter . My heart was racing, my hands wouldn't stop shaking, and my stomach felt sick. I decided to go look for jack and mark and see if they had any luck....
*silence ...*
great .... now another person that I lost
I looked through every isle before finding him in the sweets isle.
"Jack ! Thank god I found you !" I ran over to him and gave him a crushing hug, he looked at me funny at first but accepted it.
"Great , 1 down 2 more to go ... now ... where's mark ? "
"I may have an idea "
Jack grabbed a small bag of cookies from the shelf and ran off, with me , following .
He led me to the electronics isle, which I thought made sence since mark was a youtuber. We passed the electronics and into the gaming unit.
"Uh... hey jack ..."
"Yeah" he said in his Irish accent (you really couldn't miss it )
"What kind of a youtuber is mark again ?"
That makes more sense ....
And like jack said , there he was .. playing *enter name of awsome video game here * while screaming
"MARK ! " I screamed
"OH hey guys " he turned his head and smiled, then returned to his game
"Where the hell have you been ?"
"Here " he smirked
" and what happened to looking  for my son !?"

Just before I was about to blow a fuse
Mark turned around. And in his hand was a sleeping little Peter :)

I ran over to him, hugged mark before taking Peter in my arms .
"Where was he?"
"Well ... when we all split and went looking for him I decided to ask to see the security cameras, it showed that you were talking to jack and peter was there . However... when you turned you head to talk to me Peter pushed himself and rolled away. Next thing you know hes in the toys isle.A lady found him and took him to the front desk where I was waiting."
Jack looked at me and gave me a smirk
"Great fathering skills pop ;)"
I rolled my eyes and started walking away .
I looked back and they were still standing there , jack was staring at his feet and mark was smiling at jack.
"Well aren't you two coming ? "
They both looked up in excitement,
"You really mean it " said jack
" hell yeah I do , why not " I smiled at them
They looked back at each other and smiled before running over and walking with me.

"Hey .. you sure your kid isn't a super hero ?"
" don't think so , why "
" meh ... just wondering ;)"

Ring !*phone rings ..*

Thor - " hey are you almost here ?"
Tony -" Yeah don't worry , sorry I took so long .. some complications. .. why , anything happen ?"
Thor -" 2 works ... Steve + Beer"

What will happen next
Join in ... probably later today because I haven't updated in like a year and i bet you guys are pissed

Love ya guys :)


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