Come back

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1 week later

 The sun shone brightly through the windows, causing Hayden to groan, all he could see darkness. Forcing his weary body to open his eyes, he winced at the bright lights and the sun in his eyes. Turning his head to the side he saw Jade rise quickly, tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh my god.." She whispered, her breathing uneven.

"M-Mom!! Jesse!! D-Dad!! C-Come Here!!" She called out of the room, where they stood trying to talk to the doctor.

The doctor and the family exchanged quizzical glances, before they nodded and made their way into the room. When their gazes landed on Hayden their mouths Hung agape.

"Well I definitely wasn't expecting you to wake up. Your family insisted you would pull through... admittedly i didn't believe them. They were right. I am glad you are back. Your family definitely missed you." The doctor said, with a smile forming on his lips.

Hayden gave him a curt nod, a million questions swirling in his mind. How long was he out? What had happened since then? Was Aubrey okay? Were they okay?

Hayden tried to speak, but his mouth was so dry he couldn't form any of the words. He grew slightly frustrated that he couldn't ask any questions at first and he groaned loudly.

Taking notice of this the Doctor spoke up clapping his hands excitedly, "Ah, yes I forgot he hasn't had anything to drink in a while. I will send some nurses in to get him some water and food. And then we will keep him up to date on things..." He trailed off suddenly frowning. Giving a sympathetic glance he walked away, with Jade's parents.


As soon as the tray was placed down on the table, Hayden reached for one of the glasses and downed it all within a minute. Gasping for a breath, he looked up at Jade who quickly diverted her gaze to the floor.

"Tell... Me... Why haven't I seen her.... Just tell me everything...." He asked his cousin in shaky breaths.

"You're foolish to try to kill yourself. We were barely coping without you. Don't you realize that?!" Jade snapped raising her voice at him. Her voice was cracking and a tear streaked down her her cheek.
Jade felt bad at first for being so bitter to her older cousin but she couldn't help it. He's the reason She was relapsing, Jesse skipping classes, And more importantly.... He's the reason for Aubrey....that thought made her cry harder, and collapse to the ground.

Hayden's heart began to break in front of him watching Jade break down in front of him.

"Aubrey isn't here...... And she can't get out of bed... She's in the hospital as well.... But they can't help her.... Hayden. She's not gonna make it.... S-She basically starved herself to death..... T-that w-was h-her w-way o-f c-oping. A-all of us were struggling and you fucking tried to kill yourself. We're breaking because of you. You think we were better off without you?! She needed you- WE needed you. Your fucking foolish for not seeing that."

Hayden felt as if the world stopped and a wave of regret, quilt and sorrow came over him. Tears brimmed in his eyes and he felt as if his heart was ripped out of him and stomped on. His breath hitched and tears began to slowly fall. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault I know I'm sorry. Jade I didn't realize how much it affected you and her. And the others. I'm sorry. I Just I'm sorry..... I I need to see her though. Please...." He begged to Jade, falling down next to her.

She met his hazy blue eyes and nodded her head vigorously. It hurt the both of them watching each other break. He extended her arms out to him and she fell into his arms, crying into his chest. Her legs were extended outward, as if she were a rag doll. Only she was as fragile as a porcelain doll who just fell off the shelf and onto the floor; she was shattered.

She cried for hours in his arms, and he let her. He let his cousin get angry at him, and he let her break in front of him.


"I'm sorry." He said full of remorse, she gave him a weak smile wiping away the last stray tears.

"I'm sorry too." She replied, Rising from the tiled floor and helping Hayden up. "Get dressed." She ordered throwing a pair of jeans and a my chemical romance hoodie at him that had the Welcome To The Black parade album cover on it. once he was dressed, Jade forced a weak smile,

"I'll show you the room she's in.. Her family is there... Follow me." Jade motioned, toward the corridor. Slowly but surely Hayden made his way out the room and to the elevator with Jade. She gave him a sympathetic glance before pressing the floor button and the elevator closed.


The sight of Aubrey so skinny that he could see her ribs horrified Hayden. Her hair was so thin and her nails were brittle; she looked like she was the walking dead almost. His heart broke even more if even possible at the sight of her.

She smiled weakly at the sight of him, however she couldn't walk without falling down, so she couldn't make her way over to him. Her heart beat slower than it usually would, but it still skipped a beat at the sight of him. And although that Could be bad, She didn't care. She loved him so much if not even more seeing him again.

"Aubrey..... I'm sorry." He said, his voice cracking. Her parents widened their eyes in response before glancing over at their daughter.

"C-Can you give us a moment alone." She hoarsely spoke.

"Aubrey I don't think that's-" she cut her mother off.

"Please." She pleaded. Her dad sighed in frustration but looked to his wife nodding.

"Of course we'll be back in a bit. Besides we need to go get Isabelle something to eat." Her mother slipped past Hayden without a word, however her father stopped, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you're okay son. Take all the time you need to talk to her... I'm sorry." He whispered before walking off, leaving just the Aubrey and Hayden in the room.

It was silent for a few moments before Aubrey spoke up, "come here." He complied, and swiftly made his way over to the bed sitting on the side of it.

Hayden cupped her face, and brushed his lips against hers, before resting his temple against hers. "I'm sorry baby girl. I'm sorry." He whispered barely audible. He pressed his lips to hers and she shakily placed a hand on his. He pulled away from her and drew small circles on her hand.

"Please don't be sorry. It's my fault. I thought you were gonna die... And I guess I wanted to die too... But if I die...-" Hayden quickly cut her off.

"You won't." He replied, trying to reassure her, and himself. She smiled leaning back against the pillow, a tear cascading down, he quickly wiped it away with his thumb and she shook her head.

"If only that were true... Hayden, everyone dies. Some sooner than others but that's okay. During the time I've known you has been the greatest times in my life. I want to thank you for that." He shook his head vigorously.

"No I was afraid to hurt and break you and yet that's exactly what I did. I'm killing you..." he trailed off, he replied choking on a sob.

"You didn't though, you helped me cope with my brother's death, and we had some good memories. You showed me how much someone is capable of loving. Even though I was fucked up, you still loved me with every fibre in your body. I felt loved and I felt like something other than a fuck up. I have to thank you for that. Everyone gets hurt its inevitable. You choose who you get hurt by though and I'm glad it was you who hurt me. I'm glad I Chose you." She replied.

Hayden went to open his mouth to say something but he just couldn't get the words out. He loved her so much and he couldn't understand why such a beautiful amazing person could think so lowly of herself. He leaned in and kissed her passionately, holding the back of her head pulling her closer to him. Pulling away once more he saw her eyes slowly losing the hopeful light in them.

"I'm getting worse...but I want you to read this letter after I'm gone okay...? There's one for each of my family and Friends.Give it to them once I die.." She requested, grabbing an envelope from underneath her pillow. Passing it to him with her sickly skinny arm he took it slowly.

"You're not going to die baby girl okay... You can continue fighting you are so damn strong and I-"Aubrey cut her boyfriend off.

"I can't.... My organs are shutting down... I can't walk, I can't eat anymore without throwing it all up. Everything is getting worse... Pretty soon I will draw my last breath. I'm ready to finally let go." She whispered.

Tears once again fell from both of their eyes and Hayden so desperately wanted to convince her to change her mind, but he knew he couldn't. She would be better if she let go. And although it tore him apart, he knew that she would be in a better place free from pain, and free from her demons. And she would finally be happy.

I guess that's what he was taught. Loving someone was willing to do anything for them in order for them to be okay and happy even if it didn't include that person if your life anymore. "I love you." He said pouring all his passion and love in that sentence.

"I... Love... You... Too." She whispered forcing a small smile.

Planting a kiss on her forehead, she moved over and he laid down beside her holding onto her. He continued to kiss her face and hair, repeated all the sweet things he loved about her as her breaths became more shaky and slower.

"Goodnight love.." Aubrey said as she drew her last breath she smiled, and it was an actual smile. Joy filled her as she felt loved, and although she wouldn't be there for them physically she would be there spiritually and looking down on them.

The only sound that filled the room was the sound of the long spread out beep that signified the QT line fall into a straight line....

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