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  The vase hitting the bedside table, echoed throughout the nearly empty room. The rose water rattled in the red case and the black roses stood still. Aubrey's heart sank as she looked in the garbage to see dead blue roses and red ones; their petals wilted and crumpled. It had been almost a month since Hayden had his eyes open, and a month since he spoke.

Aubrey had craved to hear the sound of his husky voice, to see his ocean blue eyes and to just see him awake and well. She also slightly wished there was another way to deal with the pain, and emptiness in her heart. However starving and self harming, somehow helped her get through it. Its twisted isn't it? That causing more agony on her somehow helped her get by every day Hayden wasn't there with her. She had lost her brother already the last thing she needed was for Hayden to be ripped from the pages of life as well.

Her breaths began to become shaky, and she took a seat down in the chair. Even though spring was near she was still freezing due to undernourishment. She had on a black coat and jeans that hugged her hips. Her frame was thinner then the last time she had visited. She only visited once every two weeks because she had to focus on school; that was a mere excuse though she couldn't bare to look at him it tore her heart to pieces every time she did. The only sound was the monitor and the faint beep of the QT lines going up and down.

"Hey love." She whispered softly to him, grasping onto his hand. She began rubbing her thumb on his hand in circles and smiled softly. "Some things has happened since you have been gone." She continued, even though she knew he wasn't going to answer.

"For one, Jade is dating Josh now, Brooke got expelled after she was caught doing the dirty in the bathroom, which is what the bitch deserves. and I've been learning guitar, I've also been singing some songs, and when you wake up hopefully soon, we could maybe do covers together. Everyone misses you a lot. I miss you so much. Some days I'm terrified of how much I love you.." She trailed off, a single tear slipping down her cheeks.

Right as she was about to continue talking, a long beep echoed through the room. Her eyes darted to the monitor to see the QT line go flat.

"No.. no. SOMEBODY HELP! HELP! SOMEONE!" Aubrey shouted tears streaming down her face. Nurses rushed in and a doctor followed in tow. A blonde haired nurse stared at Aubrey.

"You're gonna have to get out of the room okay?" She said, trying to force Aubrey out of the room.

"No I can't leave him!" She cried out. The nurse shook her head and pushed Aubrey out.

"I'm sorry but you need to call his family and stay out of this room. We'll let you know what happens soon. But for now we have to stabilize him." The nurse replied giving her a sympathetic glance before shutting the door closed. Aubrey collapsed outside the door, drowning in her own sorrow.

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