Once the they knew the men were well away, Poppy, MJ, and the babies left the house together, taking the path down to Heath's Meadow, where the ceremony was to take place. MJ saw the caterers arriving just as they were leaving.

Once they got to the path, Poppy kissed MJ, told her she looked beautiful, and went to stand next to Tasos.

MJ had insisted that it be very casual, like Miranda and Steve's wedding in Sex and the City, with people just standing, so the family was just gathered around, chatting. The only one seated was Archie, who was going to play the first movement of Mozart's piano sonata in A major, which MJ loved. Janelle Wren, who had designed MJ's wedding dress, had told her that Tinker Bell Foster, whose dress she's also designed, had also had this music played at her wedding to Theo Shelley a few years before, though she'd had it performed by a string quartet.

She'd also found out that the Shelleys lived just down the road from Heath's parents, at a much larger estate, called Tanglemere. Most of the old estates around this area were called "Tangle-something," since the local village was called Tangleton.

There were two baskets of flower petals waiting for Lulu and Kiki to pick up and scatter, which they did with great enthusiasm, tossing them up into the air as high as they could, the way Pappoús and Uncle Archie had taught them to.

Heath watched his daughters with tears in his eyes, laughing and crying at the same time. MJ watched from the back, waiting until they were finished and came back to hold her hands, so the three of them could walk toward Heath together.

Heath put his hand on his heart and mouthed to MJ that she looked beautiful.

"Thank you," she mouthed back at him. "So do you." And he did. Heath had never looked to handsome. His gray tuxedo was magnificent.

His girls reached him, and they turned to face Judge Davidson, who was an old family friend. She'd been thrilled to receive the call to perform the ceremony for Heath and MJ.

By the time they were to exchange vows, it was sunset, and everything was bathed in a pink glow.

"With this ring, I thee wed," Heath declared, sliding the plain, platinum band on his beloved's finger. He sniffed, and felt for a tissue, but of course he didn't have one.

MJ pulled one out of the pocket of her dress, and gave it to him.

"Blow, Daddy, blow," his girls encouraged.

"With this ring, I thee wed," MJ repeated, replicating Heath's movement with the bigger band.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Judge Davidson declared in the summer dusk.

This was what Kiki and Lulu had been waiting for.

"Now kiss, now kiss!" they shouted, jumping up and down in their exuberance. "Hollywood kiss, Daddy, Hollywood kiss!"

The dogs, who had wandered down the path to be with their people, were excited by the antics of the girls and ran around their family, barking with excitement and adding to the happy pandemonium.

Heath took MJ in his arms and bent her back for a Hollywood style kiss, which made Kiki and Lulu clap. He kissed her gently in the twilight, and murmured, "You can never escape me now." He set her up, and said, "I know you'd just as soon have skipped all this, so thank you."

"I know you'd just as soon have made this into a spectacle, so thank you," MJ answered, slipping her hand into his.

Then there was kissing and hugging all around as they all walked back to the house.

"We need to get changed before people start showing up so they don't think they missed anything, right?" MJ asked.

But when they got to the house, people were already arriving, unfortunately.

"Oh no," MJ murmured. "Why are they so early? I thought they weren't supposed to come for another half hour?"

"It's okay, it looks like Charlie and John," Heath said, quickening his step. "They won't mind."

It was his old bandmates, with Jane.

MJ saw the lack of surprise on their faces at MJ, Heath, and the girls' clothes, and looked suspiciously at her new husband.

He looked back at her, shaking his head.

"Congratulations!" Charlie and Jane called, thrusting a gift in their hands. "Where's the champagne?"

"What?" MJ looked again at Heath.

"It wasn't me," Heath insisted, scooping up his daughters, knowing she couldn't hurt him while they were in his arms.

"Poppy?" MJ asked.

"No, I told you," Poppy said, shaking her head.

MJ turned to Archie.

"Yeah," he said, nodding. "Everyone knows, so deal with it."

"Everyone?" MJ repeated.

Archie nodded, adding a grin.

"It's a wedding party, come on, let us be happy, let everyone be happy with you, for you, please?"

"Please?" Kiki and Lulu echoed from their father's arms. "Please, Mommy? Don't keep making your pissed off face, okay?"

Oh my god.

Archie took the girls from Heath, whispering loudly that he'd pay them later, and bore them away, with everyone following him, of course. The girls were the strongest people magnet on earth.

Heath came and put his arms around MJ.

"We're all alone, wife," he said.

"For now, it looks like we are, husband," she replied. She looked at the ring on her finger. "I guess my dastardly plan to make you fall hopelessly in love with me and marry me with no prenup has succeeded." She nudged Heath.

There had been a piece in an online gossip rag with an interview with Meredith saying that obviously MJ had been planning to "trap" Heath for a long time, and that wedding bells were probably not that far off.

"That Meredith, she can read me like a book," MJ added.

"Stop, please," Heath begged. "Don't even joke about that."

"Okay, I'm sorry," MJ answered.

"Kiss me," Heath requested.

"What if I say no?"

"You can't, we're married now."

"Oh ho, aren't we brave."

"Not brave, just horny."

"Well," MJ murmured, "this is your lucky night, because our daughters are having a slumber party in your back yard with their Uncle Archie and Aunt Puppy in the tent, so we'll have the bedroom to ourselves."

"Holy fuck, we should get up there right now," Heath said, kissing MJ's neck comfortably.

"No, first there's this huge party we have to attend. And it sounds like we're going to get a fuckton of gifts, because Uncle Archie told everyone about our nuptials."

Heath considered, then shrugged. "Okay, gifts first, shagging later."

"Sounds like a plan, husband."

"Count on it, wife."

The End

So there is a sequel to this, but unfortunately it's only available on Amazon (I'm sorry, their rules, not mine). It's called Another Slice of Cake and it picks up when the twins are a little older. There's plenty of drama and angst, and lots of sexy time also, of course 😉🔥. If you have the opportunity to read it, you should, and I hope you like it❣️

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