Chapter 66: Snowflakes in Surrey

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AN: Before I forget (and on a completely unrelated note to this story, sorry), many of you have asked to see pictures of me, though I don't know why? I did post the one of me when I was younger and much better looking during the time when I met Riccardo, the inspiration for Pete. And of course my profile pic is what I look like now, though I'm completely overshadowed by my amazingly handsome kitty cat Moss 😉
Anyway, the Solo Travel one shot I wrote about Japan called 里帰り (Satogaeri--Returning Home) has two or three photographs of me as a toddler and very young girl, as well as my grandparents' wedding photo, if you read Obachan, or if you're interested in those kinds of things.
Okay, on we go with MJ and her pregnancy and we really are nearing the end, okay? This should be just about the last chapter, and I'm just jumping ahead to give you guys the info I know you want. And, if I end up writing a sequel, I'm royally screwing myself❣️


"Oh, let me look at you, MJ, darling, let me look at you," Margaret kept repeating as she came down the steps of Tanglewood, a sweater tossed around her shoulders in her eagerness to reach the mother of her future grandchildren.

A light snow was falling, giving the twilight an ethereal glow, a quiet radiance. Two or three inches had already fallen, and sounds were slightly muffled, though the horses could be heard calling from the barn as they sensed the arrival of newcomers to their home.

Pringle's puppies, half-grown in size but still very young at heart, came spilling down the steps along with Noel, Budgy and Pringle, looking like a river of waving tails parting around Margaret as they came to welcome the tired travelers.

Just as Margaret reached the bottom of the steps, however, she was displaced by Archie, who was today wearing a huge, baggy sweatshirt that said "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a protected right."

"Steady on, Archie," his mother complained as her youngest son reached the car first to greet MJ and Heath.

MJ laughed when she read Archie's shirt, because, as far as she could remember, abortion in England was a protected right, up to twenty-four weeks, if she wasn't mistaken. He grabbed her in a huge hug, lifting her completely off the ground and swinging her in a circle.

"Oh lord, MJ, you look wonderful!" Archie exclaimed. He kissed her cheek, carefully set her down, and turned toward the house. "Let's get you out of the snow, though, don't want you and the babies to freeze, do we?"

"Um, Archie, the rest of us came outside to say hello to her as well, you know?" Poppy complained, hand on her hip. She was wearing sweats with her Cambridge College logo on them, and had her long, brown hair up in a messy bun.

"Sorry, sorry, here you go." And Archie turned, releasing MJ and presenting her like she was a statue or artwork of some kind, so Hugh, Margaret and Poppy could hug and kiss her as well. They all greeted her and began leading her up the stairs, admonishing each other to "be careful," and "watch out, don't let her slip."

"Your shirt's not very, um, politic, given the circumstances, is it?" MJ asked Archie as they climbed the steps. She patted her belly.

"Oh fuck, never thought of that," Archie replied, eyes huge. "Shit, MJ, I'm so sorry."

"I'm joking, Archie," MJ said with a laugh. "You know I'm pro-choice, right?"

Archie let out his breath. "Right, right--"

"Okay, then, I guess I'll just go to the barn and kip down with Cinnamon, Silver, and them, then," Heath interrupted as he stood next to their bags. Even the driver was laughing quietly at the joke.

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