Chapter 2

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Marinette was bawling her eyes out. She thought it hurt her when she received the news, but when she saw her Adrien plastered walls, a few tears turned to a flood.  Tikki was being as helpful as possible at the moment by bringing tissues a giving cheek hugs.

Why does it always have to be me struck with bad luck? Chloe in my class six years in a row, extreme clumsiness, never enough courage, and a forced love... I thought ladybugs were supposed to be lucky! 

Feeling so sorry for herself, Marinette looked at her clock, revealing only twenty minutes until patrol with Chat Noir begun. 

"Marinette?" Tikki asked softly, not wanted to anger Marinette when she was in such a sensitive state. 

"Yes, Tikki?" Marinette said between sniffs from her nose.

"My presence with you will not hold up much longer to defend you from akumas, you must transform so you don't get akumatized! Maybe start patrol early today?" Tikki suggested. Marinette knew it would be absolutely disastrous if she were to be akumatized, and quickly decided to transform.

"Tikki, spots on! Yeah!" And with those words and a bright red light later, Marinette's was covered in her ladybug themed suit and mask. Not wanting Chat Noir as well as the rest of Paris to see her with puffy red eyes and tear streaks on her face, Marinette, now Ladybug, took the remaining fifteen minuets before patrol to ready her appearance. 

Now looking like nothing happened, the spotted heroine jumped out of her window. Jumping across rooftops in the star lit Paris, Ladybug came upon the Eiffel Tower, just to see Chat Noir land on the top of it, beating her there by seconds. 

"Hey M'Lady. Looking lovely as always." Chat Noir said with a wink. 

Ugh, of course he flirts first thing! Wait wait wait, Master said get closer to him right? I can do that! I think?  Ladybug thought. 

"Thanks Chat. You don't look to bad yourself!" Though what she said was intended to be friendly, it came off as flirty- in Chat Noir's mind at least. 

"I knew you'd fall for my charms one day Bugaboo! I'll take left side you take right. Meet me back here at 9:00?" The feline superhero said, all while giving his parter a kiss on the hand.

"Whatever you say Kitty. See ya!" Ladybug said with a roll to the eyes, right before hooking her yo-yo to the nearest building and beginning her patrol to the right half of Paris.


The superhero duo stood back on the Eiffel Tower once again, the clock striking 9:00 p.m. Ladybug had to fight the urge to cry, due to Chat being a constant reminder of her having to love him. To let go of Adrien and love him. For all she knew he could just be a playboy flirt in his civilian form, that why she hated the masks. But yet again, she would still never want a reveal for the fear of her parter knowing she's just clumsy Marinette and reject her...

"See you tomorrow Chat." Ladybug said, only to be stopped by Chat Noir grabbing her arm.

"Bye to you too M'lady" The black suited hero said to his parter, wearing one of his signature grins.

Seriously?! He stopped me just to say goodbye?  The spotted heroine thought as she swung across the city and back to the comfort of her bedroom. 

"Tikki spots off." Ladybug, now Marinette said with a long sigh. 

Why does life have to be so unfair?


Hey readers! Comment what you'd like to see happen in this story, I love to hear your ideas! I'm deeply sorry for not updating for awhile, this school year is loaded with homework. Thanks for reading!

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