Chapter XIX - Starry Night Sky

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The scowl that was on Bakugou's face disappeared as he looked to his left and saw what (y/n) was referring to

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The scowl that was on Bakugou's face disappeared as he looked to his left and saw what (y/n) was referring to. He turned his head back even more and looked behind him to see a look of wonder on her face. He looked into her eyes and saw that the stars were reflecting in her (e/c) orbs, making them even more beautiful than what he thought possible.

"What the fuck are you thinking dude?!" He mentally scolded himself. "Stop letting yourself get distracted by some dumb girl!"

He turned his head back to facing forwards so that (y/n) wouldn't see his pink cheeks. "You sayin' you've never seen the night sky before?"

She didn't even bat an eyelash. "I have but all the skies I've seen don't even compare to this!"

Bakugou briefly looked back again to see her move her head around as she was taking everything in. He breathed in and out deeply as he thought over what he was going to say next. "I can land and show you the different constellations if you want..." He mumbled.

(Y/n)'s head snapped to look at him. "Can you?!" She beamed brightly at him.

Bakugou turned his red face back to facing forwards so he could tell his dragon to land. His dragon thus slowed down and swooped down to land on a flat surface high in the mountains where there was no trees in sight. Bakugou got off first, and then (y/n) got off with help from the male.

Once (y/n) was off, she grabbed Bakugou's hand and she ran over to near the edge of the ground. But when she stopped, she didn't let go. She instead opted to continue holding his hand while her other hand wrapped around and gently held his arm.

She didn't seem bothered by this at all. Meanwhile, Bakugou had to force himself not to let her know how much she was affecting him.

He gulped as he took his other hand out of his pocket and began to point at different constellations. "That little scoop right there is  called the Little Dipper, with the Ursa Minor right beside it. Next to it is a constellation called Draco, next to Draco is Hercules, just below Draco is Cepheus, below that is Cassiopeia, next to that is Camelopardalis, above that is Lynx, and then next to Lynx is the Big Dipper and Ursa Major..."

When Bakugou pointed to and named the last constellation, both Bakugou and (y/n) turned to each other at the same time. They stared into each other's eyes for several seconds before (y/n) started to lean in. And Bakugou only did what he knew best in a situation like this.

He started to panic.

He got his arm out of her grip and started to walk back to his dragon. "It's really late and I'm not sleeping on the shitty ground again,"

"We had sex in a cave and now he's being shy?!" (Y/n) quietly groaned.

(Y/n) made her way over to Bakugou's dragon and got back on with help from Bakugou again.

The rest of the flight back to The Land of The Dragons was actually rather peaceful. Neither said a word to each other but that was okay; (y/n) was too distracted by the sky and Bakugou was too distracted and preoccupied with getting them back to his land.

Once they landed, Bakugou slid off his dragon first, with (y/n) reluctantly sliding off about 10 seconds later.

"I uh... I kinda don't really have a place to stay anymore..." She sheepishly admitted. "I have no clue where my camp is and I feel like it would take forever to find it again..."

"Good, 'cause I don't feel like searching for it either. I'm also not letting you out of my sights again..." He said, whispering the last part. "You're sharing a bed with me cause it's the only bed I had, and I'm not letting you sleep on the ground again,"

"We have sex in a cave, with you suggesting we do it no less, you tell me we're sleeping in the same bed, but you get scared when I lean in to kiss you? Pfft, you make sense dude..." (Y/n) quietly uttered to herself.

"Oi! What did you just say?!"


(a/n: five things-

1: it seems like the world is against me but that's just my luck these days. I'm telling ya mah dudes 2018 just isn't my year.

2: I'm so disappointed and mad and annoyed at everything rn.

3: I learned a lesson today- don't get your hopes up because sooner or later it aaaalllll turns to shit.

4: this dude that I was texting (who I maybe kinda like) was telling me how everyone has a purpose and he thinks I'm talented and he said he's gonna help me find my purpose and help build my confidence but I was like "nah dude I can't really see myself doing anything or going anywhere in my life like the only reason I am alive is because everyone wants me to be"

5: if I publish a book filled with my poetry would y'all read it? I like to write poems based off of how I'm feeling in that particular moment and idk I kinda wanna share them so other people can relate and we can be depressed suicidal losers together and relate to one another in how much we hate ourselves :')

Word count: 1965

The Huntress (Dragon King Bakugou x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang