Impact x Skeleton!Reader

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Aka I ran out of ideas so I'm just gonna signal boost my Impact x Reader story.

You awake, and look at the clock, expecting there to be a time there. But alas, you sigh. Since the Book of Life was destroyed, there's no way to tell the time, and it is constantly a dreary, frozen wasteland, covered in shadow left, right, and centre.

Nearly everybody has left beside your mother, the Mayor, and your childhood friend Impact. You sigh once more, reminding yourself mentally that you can do this!

Putting on a brave face, you look yourself straight in the mirror, determination softening the loneliness in your soul. Your (e/c) eyelights stare back at you, creating some light in the room. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair is pulled back by a (f/c) bow headband.

Today, you've also decided to wear a (f/c) sweater, along with your rainbow scarf. White shorts and sneakers accentuate your look, along with some cute (f/c) leg warmers.

Despite all the permafrost, it isn't actually that cold, so you decide that this will do. Smiling, you waddle out of the house, enjoying how surprisingly warm you are compared to the regular 2°C cold you feel every day, even with your current clothing.

You waltz up to your best friends' house, humming a little tune. Impact opens the door, and smiles warmly.

"(Y/N), howzit? You look excited about something." Impact comments in his slightly metallic voice, looking you up and down politely, before cringing slightly in worry.

"....S-Sorry, (Y/N), but aren't you...cold?" He blushes, obviously worried about you catching a cold. You giggle slightly at his apparent flusteredness. Impact always tells you what's on his mind. He means no harm by it, but still apologises massively every time, which is basically every day.

"Impact, I'll be okay! The wind disappeared a fortnight ago, remember? And anyway, I thought this outfit looked pretty cute!" You tease, sticking your tounge out playfully. Impact gives a simple chuckle and a shake of the head as a response, and steps out of his house.

He's wearing the usual today: a blue tank top with a rainbow on in, orange shorts and boots, and a rainbow scarf identical to yours. You made them for each other one Christmas, and have never taken them off since. Impact says that it's "a symbol of our friendship", but you just think it looks cool.

Besides from that, you and Impact make your way towards the village entrance, stopping at the stone tablet the Creator had left two years ago.

"(Y/N)...please stop this. The Creator isn't coming back, and the Book of Life is gone!" Impact worried, grabbing your hand tightly to stop you from reading the plaque again.

"I know, I know! But I feel like I'm so close to solving it, y'know? Please let me try again!" You plead, throwing puppy-dog eyes at Impact. Eventually, he rolls his eyes, and mutters, "Fine", before letting you go.

The plaque is a little worse for wear, but is still readable. Well, readable in the sense that it's written an ancient language known to many few: runes. However, you had been learning runic symbols as part as your training for Mayor.

"What does it say, (Y/N)?" Impact chirps, crouching down next to you. You giggle, and remark, "I thought this kinda stuff didn't interest you?"

Impact giggles, and blushes pink. "Only if it's a treasure map!"

Impact has always had a weird obsession with pirates and adventures. You wouldn't be surprised if one day, Impact would travel all over, exploring the unknown and finding treasure.

But...since the ocean's covered in shadow, that won't happen anytime soon, you hope. With the dwindling population, you'd prefer if Impact stayed here, with you.

"...Oh! I get it now!" You suddenly chirp, alerting Impact. "What?"

"You see these three holes on top, right?" You explain, pointing out the holes for Impact to see, "These are where some gems are supposed to go! Underneath are the instructions, wait a second..." You grin, excited that you may finally be getting closer to finding the Book of Life!

"Uhm, excuse me, you haven't see Candy anywhere, have you?" You hear somebody ask. Impact shakes his head, and you turn to look at the asker.

"Candy's gone missing? When did you last see her?" You ask the shopkeeper lizard monster, Nebula. He pushes his glasses up his face nervously. Just like you, his remaining family had fled, including his husband. Candy is the only monster under 16 in the village now, so of course you're worried for her safety.

"I don't know...what if she fled the village? I have to search for her, just in case something bad happened!"

You're taken aback by his words, and Impact touches your shoulder in comfort, helping you to not cry. Impact's saved you from a few breakdowns in your life, and you're thankful for his support now.

"Nebula, it's dangerous! And Candy might still be here! If you just took the time to look-"

"(Y/N), please! Let me go out to find her!" He pleads, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"What's going on here, (Y/N)? Is everything alright?" Another person comments, who you immediately recognise as your mother, the Mayor.

"Nebula's daughter Candy has gone missing! And I'm trying to convince him not to leave!" You explain, keeping a close eye on Nebula to make sure he doesn't make a run for the village entranceway. Your mom walks up to Nebula, looking at him hard.

"...I understand. But we should go out together." Your mom recommends, causing Impact to restrain you again.

"Mom, please! I can't lose you too!" You scream, your mom turning around in shock.

"But I can't just leave Nebula out there alone! He'll end up being trapped by shadow too if I don't help! You kids will be safe while I'm gone, promise." She replies, slightly sentimental.

You relax as Impact lets go of you. Nebula has backed slightly away, trying to sneak out. All three of you walk up to him again.

"This can't wait any longer! I'm leaving!" He proclaims, before running. He's too fast for you to catch up on, and soon enough, he's disappeared from view.

"Well...what now?" Impact asks sheepishly. Your mom looks over at him for a second, then sighs.

"I'm going after him." Your mother announces, making you start to cry.

"But mother! You can't be serious! What about The Creator?" You yell, your mom and Impact stopping.

"Young lady, you've been talking about The Creator for months now! Let it go!" Your mother snarls unintentionally, making you sob even more.

"But they're still out there! I can feel it! The Book of Life feels so close, we can't give up now!" You cry, tears rolling down your face. Impact squeezes your hand in support.

"The Creator gave up on us. And I gave up on her, too. I won't let anybody else from our village disappear!" She yells, turning around to exit the village. You try to reach out a hand, but pass out from exhaustion.

Find out what happens next on my alt. account lolol

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