Impact x Drunk!Reader

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That Trojan X Reader OneShot but you are drunk and it's normal Undertale

The Impact in question is Papyton's child, not my OC

Requested by @undertalefandom13

(f/b) is favourite book

"Could you imagine there's a world out there, where everything's exactly the same, except you don't exist?"

"....How much have you been drinking lately, (Y/N)?"

"...Just a bottle of liqueur."

"All of it?!"

I nod drunkedly.

I don't even know why I got myself like this.

Maybe to drown my sorrows away?

"Hey, are you okay?" I recognise the voice, but all I can see in front of me is a pink and black blob.

"...M'fine..." I droop against the table, and recoil from hitting my head on it. I blink and the blob becomes a skeleton robot hybrid.

Oh. It's Impact.

...Who was he again?

My.....friend..? I think?

"Alright (Y/N). I have no choice but to call a taxi. Are you going to resist?" Impact's words fade into the distance.

The last thing I remember was my head hitting the floor, and a scream.

(Y/N)...please......wake up....

I don't want to be alone.....

I said I'd never doubt you.....

No, I'm not crying!

...I just caught something in my eye....

I slowly open my eyes to see two figures standing over me. I try to raise my head, but a sharp pain in my skull refrains me from moving more than a few centimeters.

Impact, the one on the right, is the first to say something.

"Oh! You're awake! Thank Asgore for that!" He screams, with tears in his eyes.

The goat-skeleton hybrid on the left flinches, and then says in a calm voice "It's nice to see you finally awake. Name's Estelle."

I give a weak smile.

"Aspirin." I whisper hoarsly.

"Oh, hello Aspirin." She jokes. Impact rolls his eyes.

"No. Painkillers. Coffee. Anything. Quickly please." I repeat.

Estelle giggles, and goes to get the medicine, whilst Impact sits himself at the foot of the bed, looking directly towards me.

He looks towards a bookshelf while saying "Do you have a favourite story?"

I nod, and blush.

"...Yeah, but it's pretty stupid."

"I promise I won't laugh!" Impact says innocently.


He blushes in shock.

"Really? That's my favourite too!" He smiles whilst he gets it from the shelf, and sits next to me, reading it aloud.

Halfway through, I start to doze off. However, he continues reading in a soft, silky voice, one I've never heard before. Usually he's very extroverted and loud, but this....

This is nice....

[Estelle's POV]

I walk into Impact's room, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee, a box of aspirin, and a slice of Butterscotch Pie. The door creaks open, and I see him tuck (Y/N) into bed and kiss her on the forehead. I stand in the doorway awkwardly. He walks up to the door, but stops when he sees me. He starts to sweat.

"Oooohhhh!! Heeeeyyy Estelle...?"

I just smile at him.

"Y'know, I think she might share the same feelings back. You two should totally go on a date." I wiggle my eyebrows. Impact pushes past me in a flustered mess. I giggle and put the tray on the floor near the bed, turn off the lamp, and place a quick note on the pie.

[Your POV]

I wake up and see a tray with a pie and two cups on the floor next to me. Seeing a note on the tray, I lean over the bed to pick it up.

My heart flutters at what it says.

I must be a snowflake, because I think I've fallen for you! <3

- Impact

Votes and comments are my favourite things! Stay awesome!

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