Chapter six

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Brad's POV

I was totally dumbfounded by everything that I just witnessed a few minutes ago, why does james always have to have the girl? I really like her why can't he just see that. I was just really disappointed because i was starting to believe that i had a chance with Cher. So many things were going through my head right now, I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm stood in front of my car, because quite frankly I didn't know where else to go. Cher rushed to my car after a few minutes approaching me, I couldnt even stand to look at her.

"Brad look at me, please" she begged with sadness in her voice.

When i looked into her blue eyes she looked like she could cry.

"What? listen you don't have to explain anything to me, i mean its not like-" I was cut off by her talking.

"yes, I do need to explain it. please can we just go for a walk so we can talk." she said practically begging.

"course" I said starting to walk beside her.

"okay so first of I dont even know what possessed james to come into that kitchen in the first place. He came in when I was getting a drink and he kept hard core fliting with me and it made me feel super uncomfortable. He basically forced his self on me and I hated it so I pushed back, and you know what I told Him bradley?" she spoke rambling as we walked.

"please, Cher I don't really need the details right now" I said cringing at the thought of him touching her.

" I told him to stop because i didn't like him like that, that I only looked at you that way"

I was completely dumbfounded, she likes me? and she rejected james? this can't even be real.

"w-what?" I said in utter shock.

"Brad, I like you. like a lot. When you walked in he was forcing himself on me because he wanted me to chose him over you. When i saw your face I wanted to cry because james was being a complete arse about it. I dont want him, I want you."

I honestly am kind of glad I went on this walk.

"but I mean, people usually find james more attractive and hes a lot more fit than me" I confessed.

She stopped walking and came closer to me.

"I dont care about stuff like that. I just know i really like the curly haired weirdo in front of me" she said ruffling my hair.

"well i really like you too Cher" i said placing my hands around her waist.

I decided tonight was the night that i was going to take risks and have the 5 seconds of courage it took to have her mine. I leaned in and brushed my hands on her neck and kissed her lips. I slowly pulled away waiting for her reaction. surprisingly enough she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back with a smile on her face. i pulled away and rubbed her sides in awe

"so I should probably take you on a proper date then, hmm?" i mused.

"that sounds amazing" she said with a smile on her face.

" why dont i get you home first, yeah?"

she nodded her head yes with a smile on her face before i grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers together. we walked back to my car in silence, not an awkward silence but a comfortable one. I wasn't really angry with her anymore, i mean i believe every word she told me her voice just showed all her emotions and i could tell she wasn't lying. I was still mad at james though, he clearly knew how i felt towards Cher yet he did what he did anyways. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a feeling on my forearm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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