chapter one

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                                                      Cheryl's POV

My name is Cheryl Richards, and I’d like to think of myself as an average 16 year old girl living in Birmingham, England. In school I'm not the most popular person in the world, but I have my group of friends. I'm also not the best at talking to boys. Actually, I’m pretty awkward in general.

According to my mum, there is a new family moving in next door. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet someone new to make friends with.

It’s a Friday night, and my parents have taken the night off to go out on a date night. I was extremely bored so I called up my friend Allie for a movie night.

“Hey Allie, you up for pizza and a movie night tonight?”

“Pizza? I’M IN!” she said excitedly.

“See you soon?”

“Yeah, be there in 20.”

While I was waiting for her to get to my house, I changed into some more comfortable clothes because I still was in my uniform, I’m super lazy. I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a long sleeved pink shirt and threw my hair in a ponytail. I picked out a few movies for us to watch, and sat myself on the couch and scrolled through tumblr reading the inspirational quotes and glancing at pretty fashion pictures passing by my glossy iphone screen.

Soon a text popped up on the top of the screen from Allie saying she was here. I opened my front door as she climbed out of her car with a backpack on her back. She trotted her way through the door and plopped onto my couch. We hung out a lot so she knew my house very well. We sat down together and started talking and such before she asked about pizza. I decided I’d order pizza at this point, and took out my phone to order us a large cheese pizza.

“Alright Allie, I ordered us our large cheese pizza.”

We popped in the movie “Frozen,” and sat there like little kids laughing at the little talking snowman. Within 20 minutes our pizza arrived, and we watched movies non stop until my parents got home. My mum glanced at Allie and I lounging on our living room couch with the empty pizza box on the table.

“Alright you two, it’s late you need to head to your room Cheryl.”

We walked downstairs to my room, and stayed up probably another hour talking in our pajamas until we were both really tired and fell asleep.

----next morning----

I woke up with a piece of paper on my face, it was a note from Allie.

“Hey lazy ass, decided to wake up? Well I have to babysit for 12 so I left at 11:00. See you later Cher.”

Okay, that's just our relationship. Of course she would greet me with an insult. That's just how we are.

Wow, its already 12:30! That means my parents are both at work already. My mum works part time at a bakery on the weekends, and my dad tutors people in maths on Saturdays and Sundays.

Well I should get dressed and grab some food. I threw on an oversized sweater and a pair of jeans along with a pair of slippers. I was feeling pretty lazy today so I just threw my hair in a braid and put my beanie on. I left the house with about $10, that should be enough.

I walked to the local Starbucks to get some hot chocolate and maybe a bit of food. I ordered my usual hot chocolate and grabbed a salad. Once I took a sip of my hot chocolate, I started to wake up a bit and headed out of the door after paying the woman at the counter. I walked out onto the sidewalk and felt a cold, iced coffee substance on my white sweater. I looked up to see a guy with an awkward stare and a half empty starbucks cup.

“DUDE!” I yelled as a first instinct to the coldness on my stomach now making me cold in this already chilly fall weather.

“I’m really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.”

I huffed out a deep breath to relax myself. “Oh it’s alright, I’m sorry for freaking out. It was an accident. It’s fine.”

He smiled at my lightened mood. He actually had pretty attractive facial features, if I may say so myself.

“Here, let me.” he said as he reached out to wipe the stain on my sweater.

I started laughing, “You're not helping here, really it’s fine. I never did catch your name by the way.”

He then gave up on trying to help me and laughed, “James, and you?”

It just hit me that I was talking to a really attractive guy on the streets of England.

“Oh, umm. I-I’m Cheryl,” I said starting to get nervous.

“Well Cheryl, why don't I at least give you a ride home then.”

“Oh it'll be fine, I-I can walk.” I said, trying to be convincing.

“Oh I dont think so, get into the car. It’s really no problem.”

“Uh, oh alright.” I said giving in and following him to the car.

Throughout the car ride I found out some things about James. One, hes too old for me. Two, he just moved to Birmingham. Three, he plays guitar. Four, I was in the same car driving with a complete stranger who spilt his coffee all over me, and now he's driving me to my house. Am I nuts? Why did I agree..? Now I'm freaking out. I gave him directions to my house. Holy shit, I just gave a stranger my address. Soon we pulled up into my driveway, and James had him mouth gaped open.

“James, are you alright?” I asked him, tapping on his arm.

“Oh, yeah. It’s just, I should probably tell you something Cheryl...”

I looked at him confused “Well, spit it out James.”

“Um, I may or may not be your next-door neighbor….”

Holy shit, he’s the new family.... whoa.

“Whoa, small world." I said shocked.

“If I knew you were my neighbor, I could have figured out where to go better,” he joked.

“Ha ha, I’ll talk to you later, James," I said as I grabbed the car handle nervously before James grabbed my arm.


“I'm having a housewarming party tomorrow night, you should come.”

“That sounds fun, see you then.” I said leaving the car.

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