Chapter 14

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"Ben! Ben!" I've been calling out for him for the past ten minutes. I huff and go downstairs with Luna. "Didn't you hear me-" I stop when I see the note on the fridge. "Got called in to work. You were sleep. Sorry. :)" it reads. I sigh and bounce Luna. "Shh. It's okay baby." I try and put her pacifier in her mouth. I go back upstairs and sit down. "Do you need a diaper change?" I check her diaper. 

"I guess you're hungry huh?" I hold her in my arms and try to feed her. "Luna what is wrong with you? You won't eat, you won't sleep, you don't need a diaper change." I sigh and rub her tummy. I look up when my door opens to see Emmett. "Here, I'll take her." he grabs her and she quiets down instantly. Emmett grins and walks out. 

I huff and lay down muttering. Luna is officially two months old now. I didn't think it would be so hard but it is. Half of the time she prefers Emmett, Ben, or even my dad over me. Unless she's hungry, then she wants no one else but me. I hardly get any sleep and Ben has been working more lately. It's just so ha-I'm complaining aren't I? 

Well you guys understand right? It's hard being a teen mom. I still haven't decided if I'm going back to school yet and it starts in a week. I want to see my friends because we hardly get to see each other. Gem and Tori are always at parties or out of town. I can't go because, well, I have a daughter. And I'm not sure that I'm ready to leave Luna yet. 

I never leave her for more than ten minutes, and that's only to go get more diapers or wipes. We have family to watch Luna but I'm just not sure. She's never not had me around. What if something happens and nobody can get in touch with me? I sigh and go to my bathroom. I put on a mud mask and look at the time.

I go into Emmett's room to get Luna. I open the door and smile when I see Emmett on the floor holding Luna above his head. My eyes widen in surprise when she starts giggling. I grin and pull out my phone. I record them as Luna keeps giggling and send it to Ben. "Alright give me my baby. It's tummy time." I reach for her.

Emmett and Luna look up when they hear me. Luna takes a look at my face and starts screaming. Emmett laughs and sits up, he holds her. "It's okay. It's your mom." he pats her back. I frown and reach for her. "Luna look! It's mommy." I smile. Luna starts crying louder. "Go wash that off." Emmett says laughing. "But I just put it on!" I protest. 

"Fine keep it on. I'll watch her while she does the tummy time thing." Emmett says. I hesitate a moment before nodding. "Alright." I walk out and go downstairs to fix myself something to eat. I make a meatloaf sandwich and pour myself some orange juice. "What is that on your face?" dad says walking into the house. "A mud mask. What are you doing home so early?" I ask. "Some idiot brought a gun to work, so they let us go early." he takes a bite of my sandwich and grabs a bag of chips. 

"What?! Are you serious? Are you okay?" I scan over him. Dad gives me a look. "Do I look like I have bullet holes in me?" he says. I roll my eyes. "You want me to make you a sandwich?" I ask. Dad grins. "Well if you're offering." he says. I laugh and shake my head. I grab another plate and warm me a slice of meatloaf. I put the slice between some bread and add tomatoes and lettuce.

"Thanks" dad sits down and bites into the sandwich. "Where's Luna?" he asks. "She's doing tummy time with Emmett." I pour some chips on my plate. Dad nods and finishes his sandwich. "Alright. I'm gonna go take a nap. Ya'll better not wake me up." he goes upstairs. I roll my eyes and finish eating. I put my dishes in the sink and go back upstairs. 

I hear Luna giggling in the other room and smile. I shake my head. Now I understand what parents mean by their kids growing up so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday I was changing her diaper and wiping her nose. Oh wait, I was. I seriously need my baby girl to stop growing. 

"I'm home!" Ben calls out from downstairs. I go downstairs and shush him. "Dad's trying to sleep." I say. Ben nods and kicks off his shoes. "How was your day?" I ask. Ben turns to me and grins. "I got a raise." he says. I grin. "That's great! Congrats." I say. Ben nods. "It's not much, just fifty dollars more, but I'm glad nonetheless." he says. "I think it's a lot. I'm really proud of you." I smile and hug him. 

"Thanks Pep. Now where's my little girl?" he looks around. "She's upstairs with Emmett. Did you get the video I sent you?" I ask. Ben shakes his head. "She giggled for the first time." I grin. Ben groans "Oh no. I missed it? I wanted to be here for her first laugh." he sticks out his bottom lip pouting. I laugh and hug him. "It's okay. You'll be here for her many more firsts to come." I nod. 

Ben starts walking upstairs and I follow behind. "Are you still taking Luna to see your dad today?" I ask. Ben nods and goes into my room. "Yeah. He's been hounding me to bring her over. And my aunt and uncle want to see her." he says. "I'm gonna shower real quick. Can you start getting her things together?" he asks. 

"Yeah." I nod and grab Luna's diaper bag. I put a few toys, some bottles, diapers, and some baby wipes inside. Ben walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later and gets dressed. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" he asks putting on shoes. I shake my head. "Nah I'm good. Besides I have to start picking the classes I'm going to take this year." I grin. 

Ben looks up at me and grins. "You finally decided? You're going back to school?" he hugs me. I laugh and nod. "Yeah, and if they're still offering your aunt and uncle can watch Luna while we're at school." I say. Ben grins. "They're always offering. I'm glad you decided. I wouldn't you sitting inside all day every day." he grabs the diaper bag. 

"Yeah that would get boring huh? Anyways go have fun with your dad. And drive carefully. I'm going to catch up on some sleep." I sit down on the bed. Ben kisses my forehead. "Alright I'll see you later." he grabs the car seat and walks out. A few minutes later I hear the front door open and close. 

I yawn and turn down the volume on the television. I lay down and close my eyes. I nap for a few good hours before someone bursts into my room. "Go away, I'm sleepy." I mumble turning over. "Pepper, hon get up." I sit up when I hear my mom and look at her. "What happened?" I ask. 

"Honey it's Ben. He was hit by a drunk driver." I watch as Mom walks over to me still talking. I can't hear what she's saying. 

Everything goes black.

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