dustin henderson

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Third person POV

Dustin rode his bike as fast as he could, panting, but still showing his pearls. Y/n wasn't far behind him, pushing her legs on her bike to the point where she almost got a cramp.

"Dustin! You cheater!" She exclaimed, grinning like a dork.

Dustin took a moment to look over his shoulder at the poor girl, "No, you're just slow."

"Stop! You piece of shit!" Y/n laughed, bringing her bike to a stop in the middle of the road.

It was 9pm, and right now, both these kids should have been at home, tucked in bed, getting ready to sleep, but instead they were on the streets of Hawkins, playing chase.

It was pitch black and you couldn't see a thing. If you'd closed your eyes while staring at the sky then opened them, it wouldn't have made a difference.

Y/n panted as she watched Dustin continue to ride, and she realized he probably didn't hear her.

"No! Dustin, stop!" Even though she didn't want him to ride off and leave her, she knew she could take care of herself, so she brushed invisible dust off her knees with one hand, the other one holding up her bike, before pushing it up the hill and towards the way Dustin had gone.

She reached the top of the hill, and surprisingly, the road came to an end, only the woods and dirt came after it.

"Dustin?" She called, feeling a light breeze on her bare arms.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she heard leaves crunch behind her - where the woods were - realizing it was probably Dustin trying to scare her.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Dustin. Okay, you can come out now ! Remember, I brought the comic books!" She knew that might draw him out.

It didn't though. Instead, she heard the leaves crunch harder and louder this time. And closer.

It was directly behind her, and she feared to turn around. The air had become freezing, and y/n rubbed her arms, leaving her bike to drop to the floor.

"Dustin Henderson if you don't come out in 5 seconds, I'm going home!" She called, having had enough of the dark.

The leaves crunched, almost like footsteps behind her, and she froze, a tingly feeling shooting up y/n's spine. It wasn't a good feeling.

"Arghh!!" A familiar voice screamed, jumping out and grabbing y/n's shoulders while shaking her.

Y/n screamed so loud, you would've thought China could hear it. But once she heard the laughter, she knew it was her friend. Her dumb friend.

"Oh my gosh! Dustin! Why would you do that?" Y/n's mouth dropped open as Dustin continued to laugh, rolling on the grass as a matter-of-fact.

"I-I'm sorry!" He managed to say before bursting into another fit of giggles.

Y/n sighed, picking up her bike again with freezing hands, "You really are something, Dustin Henderson."

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