The Bathroom.

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"Pssst!" Louis whispered down the row, I had purposely sat between Penny and Lottie, making Louis sit on the other side of his sister with Harry on the other side of him. I loved Louis I really did but he never shuts up in movies. If he wasn't laughing he was telling me things that had just happened before my very eyes even though I'd just seen them myself. Now that was in movies that weren't based on his life so imagine the scale of chatter I would have had to endure if I had sat beside him. Sure you may say I was cruel for making poor Lottie cop it all but she was his sister she could just tell him to shut up whenever she wanted and he wouldn't get offended. Yes ladies and gentlemen Jasmina Tomlinson was indeed a coward.

"Yeah, Lou?" I asked trying my hardest not to disrupt those sitting around us.

"Did you see that? That is totally something I would do!" he whispered with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Yeah, but maybe that's because he's playing you in a movie Louis." I reminded him and Lottie snorted loudly.

"I know!" he marvelled sinking back into his seat to soak up the further magic of the movie based on moments he probably thinks about every single day.

"Hey jay could you come with me to the bathroom?" Penny asked me, I nodded and followed her out of the aisle. We made our way down to the bathrooms and into the women's area.

"So are you enjoying the movie so far?" I asked her sneaking a look at my reflection, she laughed for a second but soon began to answer.

"It's just amazing I mean watching something based on the boys' lives before they'd met us." She said, while using her bathroom stall. I was busy out near the mirrors perfecting my appearance. I was paranoid that there would be a reporter lurking somewhere in this bathroom so of course I did the once over check of every nook and cranny to make sure we were alone.

"So how's the pregnancy going?" I asked her, not certain as to whether she was willing to speak about it.

"It's great so far, I mean I get sick occasionally but it's settled down a heck of a lot." Poor thing suffered through horrendous nausea spells throughout her entire pregnancy something I fortunately didn't have to go through.

"How much longer do you think it would be before you pop?" I asked trying not to sound rude.

"Not long, I have a feeling it won't be long at all." She gave me that knowing look. I knew what she meant. When I was pregnant with the boys I knew they were coming soon, nobody believed me but hey they were the ones complaining when I'd won the bets. I mean come on did they really think they could out smart me the one with the children actually inside her?

"I can't wait, finally another baby to add to the direction family." I beamed, getting all excited. Penny looked at me as if I were crazy but never said anything as she quietly washed her hands in the sink.

"Oh great more media attention." She rolled her eyes. Penny was never one for the camera stalkage I mean sure I'm used to it but hey it's in my job description not hers so much. I mean she's a school teacher not an actress. In fact she absolutely hates the media attention. I think she tolerates things like premieres and any red carpet events but the camera men parked on her front lawn and the bitchy girls on twitter are not her cup of tea.

"It will be fine." I assured her, and if I knew anything about having One Direction babies then I should know what I was talking about right?

"You'll have Irish-American babies running around sooner than you'll know it!" I just couldn't contain how excited I was. I mean come on a little baby Niall running around? Can anybody say CUTE?

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