Chapter 6

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Rose POV

I hastily walked outside for some fresh air trying to get my head around what just happened. I told him about that moment I... Why!? I had never told anyone about it besides my mother. I frantically diverted my mind from the thought of that horrible night, just the slightest idea of it gave me shivers.

Why did I tell him? I had only met the guy and I had just told him one of my deepest darkest secrets. Maybe it was because of me and him snuggling that made me feel momentarily attached to him, but still why? Why did it feel so good to trust him to just be with him. The way he held me and the feeling of his bodies warmth was so calm and inviting I couldn’t resist the urge for more. I just wanted to curl up on his chest and stay there for the rest of eternity.

I shook her head getting the insane throughout of my mind. What the hell had I been drinking!? I couldn’t love people that was my first rule. If I loved someone then it was like opening up my own chest, it made me easy to hurt and to wound. I had learnt that the hard way.

I sat down on the lawn until I saw a hover car pull up in front of the house, and saw the Teracerus from the factory step out and smile at me with her pearl white fangs. “Hey Rose what you doing out here?” She asked her voice hinted with Italian smiling as if we were old friends. I stared at her cautious to reply. “I um needed fresh air. You're the girl from the factory aren’t you?”

“Oh yeah I haven’t introduced myself have I?  Names Jessica.” She held out her hand. I shook it causiously. I never liked Teracerus's, they were to dangerous for my tastes. "Rose." I replied woundering if it was a good idea to tell her my name. She frowned. "It's because of my species isn't it?" She asked. "What?"

"I can tell your nervous around me and I understand Teras aren't know for being the kindest of species but you odn't have to be afraid of me." Shit I didn't realize I was being that easy to read. I desperatly tried to hide it with a kind smile and a welcoming voice. "Oh no it's nothing like-" She intereupted me proving that the mask was to little to late. "It's fine i'm use to it." She said walking inside. I had a feeling it was going to take some effort to get along with her.

"Hey Monty Puthon Twety Bird you in?" She called out loudly. Tweety Bird and Monty Puthon? Strange nicknames. "Yeah i'm here." Ben answered opening his door and leaning out, his vermin (Festus) Making me scream and jump back. "Sorry." He said picking up Festus and moving him away from the door. Jessic looked at me odly. "You got something against Festus?" She asked.

"No just bugs in general. It's a fear of mine." Her eyes lingered on me for a while as if I were a safe she was trying to crack with her mine before turning away. "What about you Monty?" She called out again.

"Yeah yeah i'm here." Dan replied quick walking down the stairs. "But I thought we agreed not to use those nicknames?" He acused, by his face I could clearly tell the name pissed him off. Jessica only smired at him. "Yeah but on the way here I remembered how funny it was. So too bad i'm using them again." Dan only answered with a smirk of his own.

"What every you say Bella." Jessicas stare instantly turned to a glare of hatred.

"You didn't."

"Oh but I did." She snarled bearing her fangs bending her knees liek a string like a jungle cat preparing to pounce. Dan did the same hissing flicking his tongue getting into a similar stance. Ben sighed pulling out a remote with a large speaker at one end and a large red button on it which he pessed as they leaped at each other. The two of them fell to floor clutching there heads groaning. I stared at Ben as he calmly pressed the button again casing them to grogily  How did he get his hands a Pasifier. (A pasifier is a weapon used by the police to control rioters, it emits a level of sound that vibrates someones blood causing there whole body to tingle and shake then leaving them with the feeling you get when your foot falls asleep).

The two of them gorgily got up groaning and glaring at Ben. "I thought I smashed that thing to bits." Dan complained angrily. I tried to hide my smile at how hilarious it was to see them rolling aorund on the flaw like kittens. "Yeah but I kind of decided to make a new one just incase." He said timidly. What was an owl doing hanging around with  Teracerus & a Seperis? In a flash Jessica had pulled out a gun from her jacket and shoot the Pasifier out of his hands then shoot it to pieces as it hit the floor. "Hey what was that for!?" He yelled angrily. That's more like it.

"Sorry my hand slipped. Anyways lets get on with the plan shall we?" She walked past Ben who side going after her. I went to follow Dan is he walked in there but stopped remembering what was in there. "Hey is the vermin still in there?" I asked. Dan turned at me puzzled as to what I meant then caught on. He called out to Ben. "Hey Ben could you get Festus out of the room?"

"No but I can make him. Festus vamoose.” A chirping sound came from the room followed by the noise of a metal hatch opening and closing. “Ok hes gone.” I walked in looking at Ben odly.

“Vamoose. Really?” He shrugged.

“I needed a command word. So anyways now that were all here lets get down to business.” We all gathered in a circle with Jessica leaning on the wall, Ben sitting on his chair computers behind him, and me and Dan standing side by side. Jessica was the first to talk.

“So i’m sure everyone has already guessed that the guys those dudes in the factory were working for will find out it’s us and will be gunning for us even more, that includes you Chesire Cat.” I wanted to scowl at her but I had once seen first hand what Teracerus’s could do and I didn’t want to be on the wrong end of a pissed off one. Dan spoke next. “So i’m guessing were gonna go with the usual? Find out who the hell they are then take them out?” Ben nodded. “Well then what are we waiting for.”

Ben spun around and began typing on his Moduels. “I’ll start searching online.” Said Ben.

“I’ll start calling.” Said Jessica walking off.

“And i’ll go help Jessica.” He said walking off into the other room.

“You know anything about hacking and searching?” He asked. I smirked.

“Does a quantum hard drive have 6 exports.” The answer is yes.

Ben smiled at me a look of relief and gratitude on his face and patted a seat next to him. “Then hop on. I have been hoping to meet someone as technologically advanced as I am.” He said as I sat down turning on the Moduel.

“Well calling me as technologically advanced as a Neftacun is a bit of an exaggeration but thanks. So what are we meant to be doing?” I asked. I braced myself for an overly complex answer, Neftacuns always made things overly complicated for some reason. “Well basically we have to find out everything we can on the men that attacked you and see what information we could get from that." Not the complex answer I was expecting but I can't complain. "And here I was thinking it would be hard." Ben smiled at me. "I have a feeling we are gonna be the best of friends." I smiled back and got to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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