Chapter 1

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Rose POV

I sat at the bar the buze of the club swerling around behind me. Loud up beat dance music bleared acorss the floor as the skimmpy drunk people rubbed up against each other with out a care in the world. I picked up my drink finsihing it. I smiled to my self. Beer, music, and dancing, perfect way to unwind after a long week of working. She felt her tail brush against someones legs and heard a males voice say. "Hey beautiful. You look lonely drinking alone. Want some company?"

She turned to see a big man standing over her. His pig like nose hairy face and hands along with a set of goat horns revialed him to be part Horgnisen, a race of beafy aliens that resembled farm animals, cows, pigs, horses, even chicken sometimes. His drunken eyes trailed up and down her body eyeing her short black skirt eye gropping her. Clearly he had a few more glasses then he should have. "Thanks for the offer but i'm having fun on my own." She said with a fake smile as she turned back to her drink. "Aw come on babe don't be like that. I know you want it."

He gave a sharp tug on my tail which sent a buzz of shock and discomfert up her spine. Yanking a Felises tail is like grabbing a girls boobs but three times more sensative. She slaped him across the cheek making him give out a snarl then grab her by cheek glaring as he put a knife to her back. "As I said. You and I should really take this out side." Panic sepped into her veins. Her friends were out on the dance floor so even if they could hear her over the music calling out to them or anyone would end in her getting killed.

Then out of the blue the presure of the knife was taken off her back. She looked behind her to see a man in black leathe and jeans with skruffy black hair. His hands were covered in blue scales with black claws at the end of each finger, his eyes were amber yellow snake eyes with blue skales around the edges of his face, I recognized his species as Seperis. The drunk guy snarled. "Back off reptial boy."

He raised his fist and attempted to punch him in the face. Efortlessly the snake guy stopped his fist with lightning speed. Lines of blue lightning spread across the drnk guys body, he let out a cry crumpling to the ground. Everyone around us stopped and staired at him. "His still alive just unconcious. Go back to your drinks." The man reasured everyone. They all did as he said and the man sat down next to me smiling.


I sat down on the stool next to the cat girl. Her tail was yellow with black spots like a jaguars same as here ears. The way her wisers stood on end was incredabully cute. Her long black hair fell down her back the same collar as her hot black dress. But enough hair was left around her face to perfectly frame her beuatiful sky blue eyes.  I gave her my best charming smile. "Hey you ok?" She smiled graciously at me. "Yeah thanks to you."

"It was nothing, just saving a pretty girl from a creepy drunk." I put my hand up to get the attention of the bar tender. "A red royal and a jinx on ice." He nodded turning around turning around and pourd our glasses one red one green. She snorted smirking. "How did you know I liked jinx?" I retruend her smirk with my own. "Your last drink was a jinx."

"Oh yeah I forgot Seperis have a great sense of smell in the toungs." Her knowledge took me back a bit. "You have a degree in atrabutisum?" (That's the study of alien atrabutes by the way. All the different species and what atributes they each have). Her cocky smirk turned into one of pride. "Oh jsut 4 years." I whistled.

"Not bad. Ok then explain how I can do this." I held up my hand sparks of blue lightning jumping over my hand as it tingled. Her smirked went back to cocky. "Easy. You have pours in your flesh that generates static electricity. Make it harder next time." I shut of the electricity smilling at her approvingly. Smart and sexy. "Very good. So tell me a little more about you."

She paused for a second to think. "Well my names Rose I work at Lion Corp i-" I held up my hand to stop her. Why does everyone do this? Probably the bordum of modern day life effecting there brain. "I'm not interested in the boring part of you, I don't want to know where you live, work, went to school and stuff. I want to know teh fun side of you. I want to get to know the interesting side of Rose."

Aparently no one had said something like this to her because she looked taken a back. I did pride my self on my originallity. "Well in that case. I hate my desk job designing codes and would much rather write songs and preform. I learnt atributisum because I have alway been facinated by humans alien sides. When I was little I wanted to be every kind of alien there was. I love music because when i'm playing... I don't know I just feel like i'm in a world of my own. Lets see um I love black fox, it's this coffee mixed with wine thing that I am obsessed with. I can be a bit untrusting with strangers." I chuckled. How could this girl say she was shy towards strangers yet is telling me all about her. "Something funny?"

"Oh nothing. Just think it's a little odd that you said your shy toward strangers yet your telling me all about your self." I scoffed picking up my glass taking a drink.

"Well you did just save my life so I thought I owed you one. Plus you I just feel comfurtable around you." I stopped drinking putting it down to look at her. She blushed looking away. I woundered what she was thinking and why she was so shy but I decided to keep my mouth shut. "I guess it's my turn. Well where to start. I like snow boarding." She scoffed at what I said her nervousness vanishing. I looked at her confussed. "Is something funny." She looked back to me again and eye brown raised. "A Seperis that doesn't mind the cold?"

"Hey that's a steriotype." She rasied her hands in surender making me chuckle. "Anyway. I also love to scateboard but not surfe I have always loved the earth over the water. I do it for the adrenaline. I have a facination with history and ball room dancing. I can sing a bit but i'm not that good. Um I also like to hunt because it sort of makes me feel alive if that makes sense. When i'm n the woods all my senses are alive and I just feel so alive. But I don't do it for sport I only hunt to get food for my self and others."

"Others?" She asked. I tried to look as modest as I could but in truth I was smirking inside. I always brought this up when talking ot girls. "I work at charety shelters for the poor and bring in food and supplies for them." She was clearly impressed and I had to say it felt good getting prais for my work. Suddenly my phone went off. I tapped my wrist and a blue holagraphic screen apeared. A map of the city was speard out on it with a red blinking dot over the cities bank. Damn a robbery, and just when I was really having fun.

"What's that?" Rose asked leaning over to get a better look at my phone. I turned it off and smiled at her. "Oh nothing just a text. But I have to go sorry." I got a napkin and a pen from the counter and wrote my phone number down handing it to her. "If you wanna hang out sometime call me and I'll tell you where you can find me." I stood up striding out of the club hading towards the first car I saw. I placed my hand on the door sending electircity through it unlocking it. I pulled open the door getting in and driving off to murder a man.

Hey there readers. This is a story I am writing for a friend. Don't worry i'm not stopping the assassin of Paris i'm just pausing it for the moment. Hope you like this chapter stay tuned for more. Bye.

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