Chapter 4

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Rose POV

I sat there in the car silently comptemplaiting what the hell had just happened. In the past I don't know how many seconds. I had been kidnapped, tied to a chair, interigated and lied to, seen three men shot, found out my date was a wanted vigualanty, seen my same date electricute three men to death, then watched a bunch more men get shot, and last but not least drive away from the crime scene with a Teracerus. I looked at the clock, the bright blue numbers read 10:23. Jesus it wasn't even 12 and I needed a drink.

I just sat there staring off into space for what seemed like forever, although the clock said it was only 20 minutes. At last Dan decided to break the silance. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I'll drop you off at your apartment and you can forget about me." I looked his face sorrow tugging at the edges of his smile. My mother did always say I had a skill at detecifering people faces. He was trying to hide his sadness and was doing a pretty good job at it. That hurt. He wanted me to stay but new it was too dangerous. In a way that was really sweet. "Thanks." I answered not knowing what else to say.

We arived at my apartment, I looked up at the short narrow grey tower I called my home. I steped outthe car taking a deep breath. This is it. It's strange I mean I was just going back home but it felt like I was making a life changing decision. Was it it even a decision? I mean why would I chose his life? It was dangerous riky wild insane. The complete oposite to my life right now. I couldn't help but wounder what would happen if I turned around and joined him, what kind of life would I live?

I heard the car start up and knew I had to hurry. It was either a safe mundane life or a dangerous dear devil life. My mind raced franticly as I tried to make a choice before he drove off. Stay go, stay go, stay go, stay go. That's when something popped into my head. A face, a womans face. She had long black raven hair curling down the sides of his face with two black and yellow ears popping up like fish in a sea of obsidian.  Her eyes were like amber yet a lot more kind. Her smile as beautiful as a red rose shinging brighter then a thousand stars. Her whiskers like strands of silk.

"Be the best you can my angel." She said with a voice as smooth and warm as melted butter. "And know you can do anything. I love you."

"Mom." I whisspered. Only then did I realize that I had been numb to the sound of Dan driving away. In a flash I ran in front of his car out of park. I ran in front of it forcing him to bleet to a holt. "What the hell are you doing?" He called out iritabully sticking his head out the window scowling at me. I digged deep into my inner Feris looking as dominent and in contorl as I could. "I'm coming with you knucklhead." I answered as if it was obvious.

"I thought you were going back to your normal life? I did you have a sudden memory loss and forget the past few hours?" He asked still annoyied. I ignored his attitude.

"I remember just fine I just don't care. Look the fact of the matter is that my life is boring dull and ordinary. The most exciting thing to happen to me is going the club at the end of the week to unwind. Now I know your gonna say this is not a game you don't realize what your getting into, this is too dangerous. But let me tell you I understand perfectly well what i'm getting into and your life is a hell of a lot better than mine. Not to mention your actually making a difference in the world. So wether you like it or not i'm coming with you snake boy, and there isn't a single thing you can do about it."

He just stared at me gob smacked, I was actually feeling quite prowd of my self. At last he smiled shaking his head and looked up and my joy shining in his eyes. "Then get your ass in her." I grinned climbing in beside him and we drove off."So where exactly are we going?" I asked as we simmed over the road. "Well my apartment isn't safe anymore so i'll drop you off at my friends house then go back to get my stuff." Friend huh? Wounder what kind of person he is? Christ he better not be a gangster. "Don't worry hes nice." Asured Dan seemingly reading my mind. "Hes a Neftacun."

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