The Long Awaited

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This is book 2, so if you haven't read book 1, go read that and come back to this one. Thank you and enjoy.

5 years has past And I'm still living with Jeff. We have moved out that old raggedy house and built our own. It isn't huge, but its a home where I'm happy. Im laying in bed listening to a random radio station while I'm painting my nails black. I don't get much time to myself where I'm this relaxed so its very nice.

Jeff then comes running Into the room, almost taking the door off. This scares me and I knock the nail polish onto the floor, pouring it all over. "What the fuck jeff!? Look what you did!" I say getting up from the bed with a big sigh. "Don't blame me, its your own dame fault." He says not looking to fazed.

"What do you want jeff?" I asked picking up the nail polish bottle and then grabbing a rag to try to wipe it all up. "Oh! I just got back and was wondering what you wanted for dinner." He says with a smile. "You ran up here, almost taking down the door, scaring me just to ask what I want for dinner? I do the cooking anyways." I say with a small chuckle because this man makes no sense some times. "Yeah, I'm quite hungry." He says as his stomach growls.

"You clean this up and I cook." I say and throw the rag at him. "Fineeeeeee, but you will have to pay me back later." He says with a wide smile. I look at him and roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah, get to cleaning." I say and walk to the kitchen to cook something random.

After dinner jeff gets on the PlayStation and games for awhile. He usually games for awhile, which usually ends up with him losing and him getting mad because ben always beats him online. But I'll just have to deal with it. Its not like he hasn't done worse than get mad at me. I watch him for awhile and then I head to go get a nice warm bath.

I get into the steming hot bath and feel all my muscles relax. "This is my favorite part of my day." I say as I hear jeff yelling at the game, and cussing everyone out because he lost. I just shake my head as I sink farther into the water until I'm completely under. I open my eyes, expecting to see water, but I see blood instead. I freakout fall out with heavy breathing, looking at the bath to see its just water. I take a few beep breaths and clam myself down. "I just need some sleep." I say and get dressed in my PJ's. Then I head to the bedroom and get in bed, knowing jeff will be up all night playing video games. I close my eyes trying to take my mind off what just happened and shortly falling asleep.

Its been awhile. How is everyone? Its been like 2 years since the first book right? It does not feel that long. Hopefully I'm better at writing and spelling, lol. I know this first chapter wasn't much, but its going to get good, just wait. I figured you guys deserved another book since the ending was not so great and I have so many views on it. With this online schooling thing is going on, I have some more free time on my hands and I get pretty bored, so I thought I would start writing again. I hope you guys enjoy. And thank you for reading. I really really appreciate it.

Jeff The Killer x Reader Book Two (BOOK ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now