I Love You All

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To All of My Children:

I love you.

Each and every one of you.

All of you.

You're all a bunch of sweethearts that I will love forever. A small piece of my heart goes to each of you. 

I care.The world may push you down, 

Kick you

Slice you

Pour salt into the wound

Laugh at you

Tell you to give up

But you'll get up.So long as you live, you will get up.

You will always get up, and you will recover.

And I, as your mom, will help you get up. 

I'll dust you off, bandage you up, and take care of you. Comfort you, tell you I love you.

I will tell you that you are strong, that you are indomitable,

That you are my child, that I am proud of you.

That I will always love you, as a mom always should and can.

You are all my children, thank you for loving me back.

You are all strong, you are all loved, you shall not be forgotten.

Love, Mom

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