The Shy Girl

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A/N: Hello all you happy peoples, hope you all had a good day! This wasn't a request, I just thought of it and thought it would be a good first.... chapter I guess? What do you even call these things? :P


Y/n: your name

E/c: eye color

S/l: short or long (hair) (If you don't have hair, then ignore it :))

H/c: hair color

Y/l/n: your last name

Tom's P.O.V:

I stood next to my best mate, Harrison, about ready to get my script for my newest movie. Zendaya, Jacob, Laura, Robert Downey Jr., and Tony all next to me.

"Ok, Tom, here is your script," the director said as he handed me a thick book with my name written on the top. He hands the rest of the scripts to everyone else. My eyes wandered everywhere else but the director's face. I heard him say something about the script, but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was in the clouds, doing who knows what.

After about 10 seconds of looking around, I saw something that caught my eye, it was a girl walking across the set. But not just any girl, she was beautiful, if not gorgeous. She had piercing (e/c) eyes that you could see from a mile away. (S/l), (h/c) hair, so silky. She was wearing a blue and white top, it showed her curves perfectly. She also had a pair of Hollister jeans on. God just looking at her made my heart melt.

My face heated up when her eyes meet mine. She covered her face with her right hand and continued to walk, but at a faster pace. She turned the corner quickly. My expression saddened as she left my sight.

The director kept talking about the scripts and what the schedule would be, "Who was that?" I asked pointing at the girl. The director looked at her and turned back to me.

"(Y/n) (y/l/n), she's new on set. She plays one of the background characters. She actually is in most of the scenes and has a speaking role," he said with crossed arms. "Why?"

"I've never seen her around before, she's really pretty." I announced, it shocked everyone that I said that. But here is my question, why are they shocked!? She was breathtaking, mesmerizing, captivating. God, even think about her makes me weak at the knees.

"I'm gonna go and talk to her," I said walking of to find her. She came back to set with a Starbucks coffee. I walked up to her but she turned around and walked away. I just stood there, confused. She walked away from me, maybe she had something to do or something like that.

After that I tried to talk to her, but every time, she would run away. Harrison told me not to  of her. I could stop, her beautiful face, her hair, her figure, it all just made me melt. Today she was going on the Ellen Show, she was gonna be interviewed about the movie. She was in another movie, but I can't remember what it is called. I think its like "Mamma Mia" or something like that. I tried to talk to her, but she did what she normally would, walk away.

Your P.O.V.:

I walk out to a cheering crowd, butterflies erupting in my stomach. I sat on the chair across to Ellen. "I heard you are in a new movie after The Mamma Mia movie, what is this new movie called?"

"It's called Spider-Man: Far from Home, it comes out in 2019." I told her. I fiddle with my fingers, she's gonna say something about Tom, I know she is.

"Who is your favorite person on set?" she asked me. I don't talk to many people on set, I'm extremely shy and can't talk to nobody without getting all nervous.

"I don't talk to anyone, but if it had to be anyone, it would be Tom Holland, although I don't talk to him, he's a really sweet heart. He tries to talk to me, but I just can't, I'd get way too nervous."

"Do you like anyone on set? As friends? As more than friends?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. I had no words.

"I don't talk to anyone, but my celebrity crush... is probably Tom. I don't know what it is, he's just so sweet and so cute." I said blushing, I know he's watching, but I kinda don't care.

Tom's P.O.V.:

I sat in the lounge room, with the rest of the cast, wide eyed. My heart was racing, my knees weak.

Zendaya whistled, "I guess she doesn't hate you like you thought Tommy".

I blushed and just smiled as Harrison hand patted my shoulder. About 5 minutes later, she comes in and kisses my cheek. She slipped me a piece of paper and walks away. I blushed and moved my hand to the cheek she kissed.

That day was a year ago and she's been my girlfriend ever since.

Tom Holland Imagines (x reader) (REQUESTS OPEN)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang