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"Kalau bu Yuyu passionnya apa?"

A neat young interviewee with glasses asked me, it happened around August this year. Though I heard it alot--at the time--I didn't know what passion is. I never really look for explanation because I think passion is not something important.

It occurs that when I asked my friends, many of them don't know what passion is. I can't really explain to you what passion is but I have found my passion. Then I tried to live it up and--the more I'm into it--I found passion is something essential in life.

I begin to see in another perspective that the world we are living in is a hot and cruel world, where companies try to wipe our human aspects. They pushed, pressed, torn in order to form us into money maker robots--with no feelings, thought and emotions--for the sake of capitalism. At the end, we will end up not rich-not poor but lifeless, like zombies.

I said lifeless because we only do what the company wants, we even socialized with co-workers then with friends or family who love us for what we are. We abandon our passion, things we love to do because all the time have been wasted for work.

This is where the essential of having passion, passion makes people alive by having feelings and emotions. People whose work based on their passion will do their work all out. They don't care if it's day or night, they--sometimes--also don't care if they are paid or not. They will do the work as perfect as they can without any command from anyone.

Passion is even more essential for people in middle age because once they are not working anymore their passion will occupy their brain and allow them to continue productive in the scale that they love. This will prevent them from body, brain and nerve damage due to the loss of routinity such as office work.

So before we are getting older, knowing what is your passion is something you ought to do. Who knows, maybe you will leave your current job and become a billionaire by doing what you love.

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