The hotel's Ghost

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Iwork as a night shift receptionist in a hotel. I used to hear stories from the staff about a ghost of an old man with black coat and a hat who appears sometimes. That was when I was not working at night (working shifts day and evening). I used to make fun of it and tell my colleagues that I don't believe them, until I started working at night. The first thing that puzzled me was the elevator! It had a very strange movements from one floor to another! It was like a child was in there messing up with it. I started to ask my colleagues about it but never got a convincing answer!?

The second thing was a very strange odor or scent which used to appear in a specific time (03:00- 04:00) each night! It is very strange scent which can't be described, but when I started reading about ghosts and scents, I realized that I can tell that it's like rotten food or flesh! The other thing was the running water from cranes which happens suddenly! Also the strange feeling of being watched sometimes with cold breeze very close to me. Not to mention that day when I entered the kitchen to see the two cutting boards standing on the kitchen's counter when they were not there earlier! I was really stunned! I stood in the kitchen looking toward them with open mouth!

And still I didn't want to admit it to myself and believe some spirit was there, until that day! I was, as every night, alone in the reception when I took a picture of myself. When I finished, I was eager to see how I looked like in it, and when I looked at it I was amazed! I saw a shadow of a man with an old costume (long jacket which covers the most part of the leg), standing at the glass door near the bar watching me! I was so surprised that I called my son immediately and sent him the picture! I showed it to some colleagues and they never seemed to be surprised. They told me about how that spirit is considering himself the owner of the hotel and keeps an eye on everything all the time! And how he gets upset when someone doesn't do his or her work and starts throwing things on the counter (forks, spoons whatever he finds).

I'm still working at the same hotel and, of course, I'm so happy that he never treats me that way, at least not so far. I think it's worth it to be a hard worker as I am;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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