Angels Beside Me???

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It has been months since I submitted my last story. So I would like to take this opportunity to share few experiences that I had and reply to those who commented on my posts, before I leave the country.

My daughter used to sleep in my mom's room, so I sleep alone in my room (I am separated for 4 years now and living with my parents). One night, I was still half awake, I got this feeling that I was not alone in my room. I was sleeping sideways (on my right), when I felt that someone was sitting at the other side of my bed. I turned and looked at it, but of course, no one was there (I always lock my door at night).

The other morning, guess around 6 am, I had this stomachache. I tried to ignore the pain because I was still feeling sleepy. I hugged my pillow and again trying to get back to sleep sideways, when I felt that someone was beside me. I felt like "it" was touching my hair then it touched my belly. I felt comfort and secured, somehow. Then when I woke up again, guess around 9 am. My stomachache is gone.

I have a psychic friend. I told him about what I've experienced here in my house. I have heard a voice of a boy calling me "mama" thrice, in different days. It mostly happened here upstairs, at the hallway and in my room. It's not physically heard by my ear, it felt like I heard it in my mind! I only have one kid, a girl, and she calls me mommy. He asked me if I did abortion, definitely not! Then I told him that some of my photos (in different places), there are orbs. Sometimes on my head, on my legs, breast, or just near me. He told me that they are unwanted babies, always there beside me, protecting me, serves as my angels. He asked me if I feel pressure at my back, especially on my right shoulder, indeed. I was shocked when he said this, "Whenever you feel the pressure at the back of your right shoulder means they are clinging or playing." Now as I am writing this, I can feel it. It's like a cold pressure. He also said that I have an angel. His name is Gabriel.

Is it really possible to have angels beside me? I asked my psychic friend if Gabriel is a soul or really an angel, and he said that he is an angel.

I was thinking of posting even one photo of mine and my daughter that has a very solid round white orb on her forehead taken at my aunt's house (at the attic) but I think better not because I read this "no common camera orbs or any obvious cases..."

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