Bumblestripe x (Female) Reader

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Crack! The lightning struck the earth so intensely I swore I felt the earth shake. I was breathing heavily, looking around for enemies to fight. It was my first ThunderClan battle, and I could never imagine how terrifying it could be. All of a sudden I felt a ShadowClan warrior jump on top of me, raking his claws against my back. I yowled in pain. He wrestled me to the ground, anger in his yellow eyes and fur bristling. I struggled underneath him as I got clawed across the face. This is it. I thought. I'm done for. But, just then, I saw a black and white streak hurdle towards the ShadowClan cat and wrestle him to the ground. It was Bumblestripe! Bumblestripe nipped the ShadowClan warrior's ear and set him loose. "Thank you!" I panted. Bumblestripe smiled. I never realized how beautiful his warm smile was. He purred. "No need to thank me, Y/N." He then raced off to go fight other warriors. When he was out of sight, I blushed, a strange warmth filling my body.

~1 Moon Later~

A full moon had passed, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Bumblestripe. His fur, his eyes, and most of all, his smile. I had bonded closely with Bumblestripe since the battle with ShadowClan, but it never seemed to be enough. It was a sunny day, I could feel the sun on my pelt. Bumblestripe padded up to me, a plump vole in his jaws. He set down the vole. "Hello, Y/N!" Bumblestripe said. "Hey Bumblestripe!" I purred in response. We sat down together and shared a vole. Bumblestripe sighed. "Listen, Y/N, we've been friends for so long, and I can't take it anymore." He said, gazing at me with his yellow eyes. "Will you be my mate?" My heart skipped a beat. "Yes!" I blurted out.

~2 Moons Later~

"Hello, my love." Bumblestripe purred as he walked into the nursery to see me. Our kits, Flowerkit, Cedarkit, and Fernkit, raced up to him, squeaking with delight as they told him stories of their games. "How have patrols been?" I asked nonchalantly. Bumblestripe purred in amusement. "They've been fine." Bumblestripe said with a glint of amusement in his eyes. The queens had been gossiping about Bumblestripe and I for moons now! They hadn't seemed to get over the fact that I had Bumblestripe's kits! "He should have chose Dovewing!" I heard them say. "Really, her?" But that didn't matter to me. Bumblestripe and I were truly, and deeply, in love.


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