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Y/N - Your Name

Chapter art by my friend BrittIsTrash

Leave requests in the comments!

This is optional, but I thought it would be fun to build a little name generator in case you don't have a warrior name for yourself!

Warrior Name Generator!

Your first name's first letter
A - Apple
B - Flower
C - Bramble
D - Thorn
E - Dust
F - Rose
G - Feather
H - Tiger
I - Leopard
J - Robin
K - Jay
L - Lion
M - Oak
N - Maple
O - Birch
P - White
Q - Pale
R - Fire
S - Snow
T - Gray
U - Running
V - Alder
W - Fern
X - Freckle
Y - Black
Z - Flame

Your last name's first letter

A - Fall
B - Claw
C - Pelt
D - Fur
E - Light
F - Leaf
G - Flight
H - Pool
I - Tuft
J - Feather
K - Cloud
L - Song
M - Tail
N - Whisker
O - Heart
P - Whisper
Q - Wish
R - Shade
S - Stream
T - Strike
U - Runner
V - Storm
W - Eyes
X - Foot
Y - Snow
Z - Fire

Name: Kaitlyn Oswald
Warrior Name: Jayheart

Warriors One-Shots (Requests are OPEN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora