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Once the ground bridge closed, Bumblebee started to lead Arcee towards the med bay where Ratchet was waiting. She stopped walking when she was in front of the berth and looked at the medic with fearful optics, "what are you going to do?" She said defensively. "I only want to heal your wounds." She still didn't move, not trusting him.

Bumblebee looked down at her making her look up at him, :it's fine: she stared at him for a few seconds before looking back at Ratchet and laid on the berth. He started working on repairing her wounds, while Bumblebee went to activate the ground bridge for the others. They came though with little to no damage except Optimus.

Ratchet started to work on the cut on Arcee's cheek. She closed her optics when he started to weld it. Bulkhead helped Optimus sit on a berth next to her, making her open her optics to see who had sat down. Her optics slowly started to go wide when she realized it was Optimus. Ratchet was finished with her wound and moved on to Optimus.

He stared at her with no expression making her shrink down in fear a bit. She turned to see the others moving towards her and brought her knees up to her chest. "Hey Arcee." A white bot waved at her. She didn't move. "How you feeling?" She turned to see a big green bot, they started to get closer to her but she moved back, "stay back." She said with a bit of fear in her voice.

"It is best to give her room and let her adjust to her surroundings." Optimus stated to the group, who all nodded as a response and stepped back. "Bumblebee perhaps you should take Arcee to get energon." He only nodded and moved up to her.: come on, we'll get you energon to refuel: she nodded and stood up following him into the halls.

Once they were out of site Smokescreen was the first one to talk. "She doesn't remember who she is." Optimus looked at him, "no but in the meantime we will keep our distance and not pressure her." The who group nodded. "Ratchet do you think you can help her retrieve her memories?" The prime looked at the medic, "I possibly can but she'll think I'm going to harm her, let's hope she can trust us quick." Optimus only nodded.

Bumblebee was wandering around the halls until Arcee stopped, "your not leading me to a trap, are you?" She looked at him with fearful optics. He shook his head and entered a room with energon. He took one and handed it to Arcee who looked at him with confused optics but took the energon and started to eat it.

She sat down on a crate and he leaned on the wall, staring at her. :did Megatron or any of the cons hurt you?: he asked suddenly. She looked up at him, "no but he threatened to." He looked at her with worry, :do you remember anything?: she looked at the ground, "no." He signed, "but I feel like the bot you all know is trying to come back." She looked up at him, "Arcee is trying to come back." He smiled, he knew she was still there, they just had to help her come back.

:I'll show you your room: he walked back into the hall and she followed close behind.

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