*after the birthday party*

Richie: ok time to go home

Max: hey,Will do you still wanna go to Hawkins?

Will: of course. I still want to see Dustin and Lucas and eleven and my God mother, Steve and nanc- *pause*
What about Jonathan, he would kill to see Nancy one last time

Max: I dont think he would let us go to Hawkins for a night

Will: yes he would, he knows how to drive and that means my mom will probably be ok with Jonathan and me going and then we dont have to use a old car that might break down. Richie are you fine with staying over at my house.

Richie: let me just call my parents

Richie steps away to call his mom.

Eddie: why do you want to see eleven and Mike even though they hurt you

Will: they protected me before they hurt me Mike is still my bestfriend and eleven, she's still saved my life risking her own, and she didnt even know me then, I didn't even meet her yet and she still risked her life for mine. She's my friend, I'm happy for her even if that means I can't be with mike.

Eddie: again, you gotta explain this whole eleven stuff

Max: we'll explain when we get to will's house

Richie: ok she said yes

*at will's house*

Will's mom opens the door. She gets a big smile on her face.

Joyce: Hi, hi max, I see some new faces, what's your guys names.

Will: mooooooom

Richie: I'm richie

Eddie: I'm Eddie

Will: mom I am going to tell you something you are probably not gonna like but you have to let us do this.

Joyce: what?

Will pushes past his mom expecting us to follow but we wait for Joyce to let us in. She opens the door up wider and we all walk in the house. It's small. Cute. Kind of empty since they just moved in. But you know maybe put some pictures up. Get a nice coffee table with cute coasters. It will look great in time.
We all go inside and explain everything to joyce and Jonathan.

Joyce: I-I I dont know what to say
I want you to see your friends but I dont want you to step a foot in that town, not again.

Will: but I'll be safe Jonathan will be with me at all times and el closed the gate, it cant hurt me.

Jonathan: mom I promise I'll stay with him

Joyce: no I'm sorry but I'm not risking it

Jonathan: mom, wouldn't you give anything to see hopper again

Will: please, we'll be safe

She looks at Jonathan and then at Will. I can tell she wants to do it but I think she's scared of regretting it

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