Meeting the Birthday Boy

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I do take requests!!

Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create any character of resemblance to characters created by the author of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan.

So on my last chapter, I got a few complaints about certain people dying so I wanted to clear up any confusion.

Jason, Thalia, and Nico- I'm assuming that Nico and Jason died before Percy and I just needed a girl and I thought it would be cool to do the three cousins as the three grandchildren. So I thought that maybe you guys would assume that Thalia died in battle.

This chapter is dedicated to MinionMadness for being the very first person to vote for this story. She has stuck with it as long as I have, and I really appreciate it. MinionMadness, this chapter is for you.

I made this chapter in celebration of Percy's Birthday. Hope you guys enjoy.

August 18, 2031

Elias POV

Green. Not a color you typically associate with New York. But, if you actually visit or live there, you know that a tree isn't all that far fetched.

I could feel my foot tapping along with the beat of the rhythm that was coming in through my headphones. My head was balanced upon my open palm, arm wedged between my chin and the sill of my car window. I knew my mother was glancing at me out of the corner of her eye as I studied the lush trees, with roots cracking the sidewalk, whizzing past while we moved farther and farther away from our small apartment on the upper east side.

She knew that once my headphones went in, I would only talk if it pleased me. My mom slowed as we approached our destination, and the second that she shoved the stick into park, but didn't unlock my door, I knew that she didn't care how much I didn't want to talk, we were going to talk.

"Elias, please take out your earbuds." My mother said calmly.

I sighed heavily while I yanked on the cord, effectively disconnecting my headphones from my phone, then sharply yanking it in the other direction to remove them from my ears.

"Elias." She tried again, "You know that I don't want you to be unhappy. I wouldn't be doing all this if I thought that it wouldn't help you."

"I get that mom. I just don't understand how he thinks that just because he wants to hang out with me after never being a part of my life is something that should be okay." I said, going to work on my bottom lip, a habit that I could never seem to break.

"He didn't know that you existed. Don't blame him for this. The important thing is that he wants to get to know you." She tried for a smile, but I could tell that she was wary about this.

"At least tell me what he looks like." I said, exasperated by this whole thing.

She smiled a genuine smile this time, "You're his spitting image. You got his looks, but my brains. He has the same sandy blonde hair," she ruffled my brownish blonde mess, "same hazel eyes. Same chiseled features." she smiled and laughed, making it apparent that the last comment was meant as a joke, but I knew she meant it.

We smiled at each other, before I gripped the strap of my backpack and hauled it up onto my shoulder as I stepped onto the sidewalk, slamming the door behind me.

All I knew about my father was that I received my looks and swimming skills from him, and that he was a world class athlete. I wasn't paying all that much attention when my mother was explaining our situation, but I remember her saying something about swimming in the Olympics.

I walked up the steps that led to the front door of his apartment, my heart thumping loudly in my chest. The rush of blood in my ears was so loud, I couldn't hear the doorbell echo through the house. I stood there waiting. Then, the door swung open so quickly that I jumped back in surprise.

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