Meeting the Survivors of Hell

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Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create any character of resemblance to characters created by the author of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan.

Tiffany POV

"Did you say Percy Jackson's back?" The image of the handsome guy that had seemingly disappeared blinked into my head.

"Yeah. I watched him walk in the front door this morning. I thought it was a prank, but I found that everyone was just as confused as me. And he wasn't alone, either." Madeline was talking in a whisper, glancing at the people that were swarming the lockers around us.

"He what?" I swear this day was getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

"It was weird. He had like six other people flanking him. There was this blonde girl that he stood really close to. And this blonde guy that was really cute, but was obviously taken because his hand was held by that of a Native American looking girl with a feather in her hair. Then there was a buff Asian guy and a colored girl with really curly hair that were obviously together. But there was this other guy who looked Latino, and he was by himself, in terms of dating." She frowned, eyebrows scrunched up, something I had come to learn meant she was confused.

"Where did they come from?" I asked.

"Don't know. But, if Percy and his friends are in our homeroom, we might just find out. Come on. We're gonna be late." She grabbed me by the wrist and began to tug me down the hallway.




Home Room


When I walked in, the first thing I saw was Percy Jackson. He was surrounded by classmates, all of them demanding to know where he was. The only thing that could stop them, would probably be Mr. Blofis. Only reason being is that Mr. Blofis takes no nonsense when it comes to Percy.

"That's enough!" The class immediately froze in their positions, including the blonde girl that Madeline described to me, who was frozen in the middle of yanking hands off of Percy's shirt.

"Alright," Mr. Blofis began. "Everybody let go of whatever it is you are holding, whether it be Percy, or the people holding onto Percy, release your grip."

Every single hand opened up, and pulled back. The second the last hand left Percy's shirt, Percy smoothed it down and straightened it.

"Now, I know all of you have been anxious to know where Percy has been, but that does not mean we need to try and shake it out of him. So, everyone to your seats."

Chairs scraped as people scrambled to sit down before Mr. Blofis got angry.

"After we ask Percy, and our new students where he has been and something about themselves, I want each of you to create a sentence. And, since we are currently studying Greek heritage, I would like you to include a Greek word in that sentence." He smiled at us, before he turned to the blonde girl.

She stood gracefully, "Hi, my name is Annabeth Chase. I only recently moved back to New York from California, and I've been dating Percy for a little over a year now. I know Percy because we go to the same summer camp."

A loud groan came out of the majority of the girls at the last part.

Annabeth nodded toward a blonde guy, who stood, back straight, "My name is Jason Grace, I recently started to go to the aforementioned summer camp, which I was transferred to from my old summer camp in California when I moved. I know Percy because we recently found out that we are cousins."

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