Meeting Mr. Popular

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Disclaimer: I do not own nor did I create any character of resemblance to characters created by the author of Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan.

Bennett POV

My mom has this belief.

This belief is actually how she figured out what she was going to name me when I was born.

It is believed that the name Bennett will bring holy blessings to the holder of that name.

I think it's a load of crap.

Bennett is traditionally a Latin name that means "blessed". But the only thing I've ever gotten from it is a whole lot of trouble with the school bad boys.

They also have a belief. They believe that anyone that gets good grades deserves to get beat up. And, since my name is Bennett, and they hold a big grudge against anyone who's name starts with the letter b, I'm their number one target.

So here I am, pressed up against the back of the school, my glasses cracked in half on the ground next to me, and a warm sticky liquid running out of my nose.

"Next time," I felt someone grip my chin so that I had to look up, and I tried hard to focus on who it was, but my vision was blurred. "Think twice about being a wise-a** when you're talking to any of my friends. Got it?"

I barely managed to move my head in what felt like a nod, before feeling, hopefully, a final punch in the ribs. The hand gripping my face was removed, and I crumpled to the ground.

As I looked at my snapped glasses, I tried to assess the damage. My stomach hurt, but, from what I could tell, nothing in that area was broken. After reaching up to feel my face, I was relieved to conclude that no bones were broken, but my nose was bleeding heavily.

I got to my feet shakily, holding the hem of my shirt to my nose to try and slow the bleeding.

That night, when I arrived home, I didn't know what I was going to do. If the bad boys of Goode started to make a habit of beating me up, I was dead meat.


One Week Later.


Lunch Time


"I sincerely doubt he is as kind as people say he is." I said, plucking a French fry from my friends plate and placing it in my mouth.

"Don't eat my fries." Jake snapped, slapping my hand away as I reached for another. "And I agree with you, but it might be the reason he is popular in the first place."

"No, he's popular because he's brought home three trophies in swimming for Goode, that's why he's popular. Plus, I've seen the way he just absorbs the way people admire him. He is a total jerk. Just admit it Blondie." I stole another fry.

"Stop that! And don't call me Blondie. I get enough of it from the cool kids. But, seriously. He can't be all bad. I mean, have you ever even spoke to him?"

"No, but-!"

"Witnessed him doing something remotely mean?"

"Well, no-!"

"Have you ever investigated anything other than what you can see from watching him from afar?"

"That's not the point!" I scowled deeply.

"Doesn't matter. Face it. Percy Jackson is a nice guy and you know it." He smiled smugly.


After School.

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