"You think we are soulmates?"

The blue eyed lad shrugs. "I'm not a 100 percent sure, but it actually hurt staying away from you." He looks at his crossed legs. "I talked to Sophie about that and I know what she means. I have that too."

Harry has a smile on his face, that Louis doesn't see. "I thought about that too." he whispers, making the omega look up at him.

A shy smile plays on Louis' lips, but he frowns again. "I'm still a little mad at you. You just don't do that, Harry."

Harry sighs. "I know, I'm sorry babe, but I didn't know you back then."

The blue eyes narrow and Louis points an accusing finger at Harry. "That's no excuse." he states. "It doesn't matter if you knew me or not. You simply don't bet over others. It's actually even worse that you didn't know me, because of the whole plan you and Jason wanted to do." Louis looks at his hands again, now more quiet. "If you would've done that, it would have killed me, Harry. I went through that once, I don't need it a second time."

Harry moves so he is now sitting right across from Louis, legs crossed as well, knees touching. "I know, I'm sorry. As soon as I figured there is more to your stubbornness I cancelled the plan."

Louis nods. "As Stan tried to mate me." the omega starts, not looking up. "I barely managed to get him off me and I only managed to run, because I kneed him. I ran home and locked myself in my room and cried. I cried for days, because being forced to mate with someone is the worst thing that could happen to an omega. It got so bad that my dad had to kick in my door so that they could get me to eat." He takes a deep breath. "I don't know what would've happened if Jason would have pretended to want to mate me. I probably would've lost it, because-" he snorts. "because it would be the second time an alpha I don't love tried to mate me and I..." Louis didn't notice that he started to cry until Harry pulls him into his lap, hugging the omega.

The blue eyed boy doesn't fight it, he just holds tight onto the alphas shirt as tears run down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry I planned on letting you go through this." Harry mumbles into Louis' feathery hair while planting a few kisses there and calming him down.


Around 30 minutes later they are both in the kitchen. Harry makes pancakes while Louis scrolls through his phone.

"Lou!" he hears a familiar girly voice.

The omega looks up as the body jumps onto the boys lap. Louis is quick to wrap his arms around the girl.

"Hi Charl, how are you?" he asks smiling at the girl.

"I'm good!" she exclaims, bouncing on the boys lap.

"Are you taking your meds?" The blue eyed boy raises a serious eyebrow at her.

Charlotte nods eagerly as an answer.

"She does." Harry tells Louis, smiling fondly at the two. "No complaining or anything."

Louis ruffles the girls hair who stopped bouncing. "I'm so proud of you." he mumbles and kisses her cheek.

She whipes over it and makes an disgusted face. "Don't do that." she says, trying to look angry.

"Why not?" Louis pouts. "I wanna kiss your cheek." he says before starting to place small pecks all over the girls face, making her squeal and wiggle in Louis' arms.

"No! You have to give them to Harry!" she exclaims, making Louis stop effectively.

He frowns. "Why that?"

Charlotte's eyes go to Harry before she looks back at Louis. "Because Harry gets jealous." she whispers not that quiet.

While Louis laughs, because he knows Harry can get jealous, Harry says "Am not!"

Charl nods. "Harry is always sad when you're not talking to him. He told me he was stupid and that's why he was sad." She frowns and looks at her hands before smiling bright at Louis. "But he is happy again." she points out. "That's because of Louis?" she now looks at Harry.

The omega turns to look at Harry, who is already looking at Louis. "It is." he admits with a timid smile.

Louis continues to look at the alpha with a small smile.

"So can we play together today?" the little girl asks, jumping up and down, already excited about the possibility to spend time with the omega.

Louis sighs. "I'm sorry, no. My mum is picking me up in a few. My dad and my sisters are here and I wanna spend a little time with them until they have to go back today." he explains.

Charlotte pouts and hugs Louis. "That's fine. I guess." she mumbles, making Louis laugh. "But you will come to play soon, okay?" She looks back up, hope in her eyes.

Louis smiles fondly. "I promise."

Harry watches the whole scene smiling. Louis is so good with kids and he really hopes that the omegas future kids will be his as well.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat