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"Your mother only gave you three books? Oh let me show you the library." Belle said.
"She's not my mother and I have a lot of books at home." I said.
'But not as many as this." Belle said and pushed the doors open to reveal a grand library so big I felt like a ant. "Woah." I said.
"All the books you will ever need are contained in this. I've already finished two. And there are twenty thousand so gottta go get more out." Belle said.
I grabbed as many books as possible and sat down on a table. "Hey I'm sitting here." A boy said. "Sorry." I said and moved. He didn't say that when Belle sat down. I, Of course, realised that he liked her and made a mental note to tell Anna because apparently she knew love and could matchmake anyone, including Ariel and Eric and her and Kristoff.

The boy I was sitting across, Adam, seemed nice. He was actually really kind but had a temper, since he snapped at Raps earlier and threw a book on the floor when it had a bad ending, which hurt me so much so to think he was still nice to me was honestly just weird.

And he was cute.

And pretty smart too

Okay so maybe I had a crush on him, shut up.

This year though

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