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I strutted down the hall with Aurora and Ella behind me. I saw Eric and my heart fluttered. God, he is sooo hot. I saw him looking at that Ariel girl, um nooo, he is mine, I love him, and I'm his girlfriend. "Hey Eric did I see you looking at another girl?" I asked. "Yes because I'm aloud to do that seeing as we broke up a year ago, 'Nessa." Eric said. "You can't say that, I love you." I said.
"Get over me, sheesh 'Nessa. We could just be friends." Eric said.
"Did you just friendsone her!? Come on, 'Nessa." Ella said and we walked past him. Aurora gave him a hard stare.

Yeah, this was gonna be a bad year.

I saw Eric look at me. Me and my new friends were just walking to English, it was so great. I was just showing Anna my dinglehop collection in class when he grinned at me again. "I love your dinglehops." He said.
"Thanks." I said and blushed. Ana squealed.
"OTP." She said.
"Do you have a crush on any of the boys, Anna, I could set you up, we could double date!" Eric said.

Did he just?
"Did you just?" I asked.
"Uh yes that was my way of asking you out." Eric said.
"Um Kristoff and aghjghggjghjg." Anna said.
I don't know what that is either.

Yeah, this was gonna be such a great year, wasn't it?

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