Chapter 1

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Dear no name,

It is wednesday october 1st 2014. I am currently writing this to "you" because my therapist thinks it will help. In all honesty i think its a waste of time.

Wendy (my therapist) says that im writing to a fake address in LA, that this will be mailed, but to no one in general. Kind of pointless right? But apparently its supposed to help me let my emotions out.

Since your not real. I will just refer to you as no name.

Wendy says that i should start off by writing about myself, quite conceited huh? Anyways. My name is Isabelle. I am 17 and have wavy light brown hair that comes just below my breasts and I have boring grey eyes. Im not what most people call "pretty". I dont have a perfect laugh or a perfect smile or a perfect body.

Life isnt the best. Especially not for me anyways. Being a senior in highschool (grade 12) is pretty tough.

I live with my foster parents in a decent home in New York. Their alright 'parents' i guess. I havent met my real parents and ive been shipped around from home to home ever since i was a baby.

I really like the colours blue green and red and i love rain.

My favourite band was the wanted. But they split up months ago and they all have solo jobs now. And their all doing great. I still listen to their music when i get a chance.

Ive grown apart from that world though. I realized that stalking and fangirling over celebrities is a waste of time. Because they will never notice or "fall in love" with you.

I guess i should write about the actual reason im writing this. I have been self harming ever since i was 12. I have really bad anxiety, insomnia, and a bit of bulimia mixed with anorexia. I dont chose to be like this.

I have never hurt myself badly enough to be hospitalized, i dont have the guts to. But i am working my way up that ladder. Maybe one day i will eventually snap and just do it?

Ive been bullied for as long as i can remember. I dont have any friends and when someone talks to me i think its a joke. I dont trust anyone and i dont talk that much. Im more of a shy/scared person.

So the reason im here is because Teresa (my foster mom) found my blades. She thinks im a psycho that needs help. Pretty funny huh?

Anyways i have to go. My time with wendy is up. She is going to "mail" this letter now. See ya in a couple days.


I folded the letter up and put it in a envelope then slid it across the desk to Wendy. She smiled at me in return and pushed her glasses up her nose. "Thank you isabelle. I suggest you keep writing these and mail them to this address" she said writing on a piece of paper then handing me it. I held in a sigh and nodded. This was pointless. Wendy frowned. "Just try this okay isabelle? It really will help." "Okay. Thank you" i mumbled and got out of my chair. "See you friday" wendy called as i walked out of her office.

* Hi guys! This is my new fanfic that i will be posting here on wattpad and on instagram! I apologize if the chapters are short. Keep in mind its on instagram and that is why! (: please vote and share if you enjoy :*

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