Nagisa x Seductive Reader (Female)

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(A/N: If you see word/word, just pick one word to use in the sentence. Also, you'll see male, female, or male or female in parenthesis in the titles. That indicates what the reader is in that specific chapter since this is for both male and female readers.)  

(Note: you're big boobed in this one. Nothing wrong with being flat but you're a little bitchy to Gou for insulting you and there's a comic relief scene that requires it.)

Nagisa's P.O.V

"Nagisa you're late" Rei reprimanded me as I walked up to the pool for practice

"Sorry Rei-kun." I apologized "I was with my girlfriend and lost track of time."

"Nagisa..." Makoto said awkwardly "Look, you don't need to make up an excuse. You're not in trouble."

"B-but it's true!" I whined

"What's wrong Nagi?" I heard (Y/N) ask as she walk up to us

I blushed at her nickname for me and smiled shyly.

"It's nothing babe." I said

"You're not in trouble because of me are you?" she asked

"Wait! (Y/N) (L/N) is your girlfriend?!" Gou asked in complete shock "But she's a seductive demon. A temptress. A siren."

"Oh honey, you've got me all wrong." (Y/N) laughed "Just because I got a body and know how to flaunt it doesn't make me a temptress. Guess a flatty like you isn't able understand that."

"Now ladies," Makoto tried to make peace between them "Let's not get hostile."

"I'm not being hostile to anyone." (Y/N) said and opened the popsicle she had been holding

She handed me one but I froze and blushed at the way she ate it.

(A/N: pretty much this but without her stopping and blushing↓↓↓)

"Okay someone please explain how someone as innocent as Nagisa got a girl like her

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"Okay someone please explain how someone as innocent as Nagisa got a girl like her." Gou said

Gou's P.O.V

"What makes it so unbelievable?" (Y/N) asked and hugged him into her chest

All of us look at each other with uncomfortable glances as he was suffocated by her tits and slowly lost consciousness, a small nosebleed coming from his noes.

"Umm...." Makoto tried to explain

"You're suffocating him." Haru said flatly

She looked down at Nagisa "Oops." she said and patted at his face a bit until he regain consciousness.

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