With Benefits - Calum Hood

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A/N: Okay so I won't lie I sorta based this off the song Midnight by 5sos. Which annoyingly, I only found out about like a week ago. So, here's some FWB Calum for you, enjoy x.

~Can I come over?~

You read the text over and bite your lip unsure with what to respond. You wanted to spend time with Calum but things between you two were getting murky. This whole thing had started off as friends with benefits, nothing more. Of course, you just had to go and get feelings for him. Cal made falling for him easy though, he was always so sweet, funny and very attentive to your likes/dislikes. It had taken time for him to open up but within 2 months of your arrangement your pillow talk became longer and more in depth. Yet, nothing else had changed. Even if you longed for something more, you and Calum were still just friends with benefits and you didn't want to risk anything changing. Which is why you slowly typed the small four letter word.


You hesitate for a second before pressing send but do it anyways. You lean back against the soft pillows of your bed and sigh. You hated always giving into him and yet you couldn't help it. He pulled you in like a magnet and then spat you out like waves of an ocean.

~On my way~

Your phone lights up with another text from him and you check the time. 12:03. Typical Calum, always coming over after midnight. You hated feeling like a booty call but you'd rather see him when it's dark out rather than not at all. Burying your feelings for him was the only option you could think of that wouldn't end up with you losing him. So, for now you were going to put something hot on and plaster a fake smile on your lips.

20 minutes later you and Calum were lying on your bed in the middle of a make out session. Unfortunately for you, your head was somewhere else tonight and you couldn't seem to focus on him. Cal picked up on it pretty quickly when his usual tricks weren't having an effect on it. He pulls away from you and raises an eyebrow.

"What's wrong Y/N? you seem different tonight" his inquisitive tone irks you and you roll your eyes. He came here for physical stuff so you weren't about to bother him with emotional things.

"I can't do this right now Cal" he clasps your hands into his and your heart skips.

"Come on now. You can tell me anything" you look into his deep brown eyes and take a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

"I'm falling for you and I'm terrified."

"Oh." A few seconds go by in total silence as you both just stare at each other. You were nervously biting your lip while Cal had a blank expression on his face.

"That's all you're going to say?" you reply meekly and he shrugs.

"I don't know what you want me to say, we agreed on no feelings"

"Well it's not like I'm capable of controlling my feelings Calum" you snap and he winces.

"I know. It's just that I don't want a relationship right now. I like how things are between us"

"But things could be better. Like we could hang out in the daylight, go on dates?" you reply with hope lacing your words.

"That's not something I want Y/N." Cal sighs and runs a hand through his messy curls. "I should probably go." He gets up from your bed and puts his shirt back on. He starts to turn around and you grab his hand.

"Wait, you don't have to go"

"I think it's best if I do..." he trails off and looks at the disappointed expression clearly painted on your face. He felt a pang of guilt knowing that he was distancing himself but tugged his hand away from yours and walked out of your room.

It didn't take long for you to hear your front door slam shut indicating that Calum truly left your apartment. Your lips start to quiver and tears start to well up in your eyes. You tried to hold it back but suddenly you felt a waterfall of emotions burst through. You'd known that telling Cal about your feelings was risky but you were hoping he was feeling the same. Clearly, he wasn't and you couldn't help but feel like shit.

Getting rejected was the worst and there was nothing you could do about it, other than digging into the pint of Ben & Jerry's you had stuffed in your freezer. So that's exactly what you did, stuff your face with ice cream while crying out the hurt that admitting your feelings had caused you.

You kept doing that for a week straight after the confession gone wrong. It didn't help that Cal wasn't replying to your texts or snapchats anymore and that he was posting IG stories of him with this one girl. But, the worst part of it all was that you lost a close friend, someone you were so used to seeing almost every night. It felt like a part of you was missing and that was painful. If only you would've known how this played out, you never would have ruined your friends with benefits agreement with Calum. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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