"Can I fix this?" - Calum Hood pt.2

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Warnings: Mentions of cheating & alcohol, some swearing.
A/N: A part 2 was requested so here it is! hopefully the ending is satisfying :)

Calum had listen to you and kept his distance for about 2 months. It was torture but he knew you needed time alone to cool off. He had done something awful, cheating on you was the worst thing he'd ever done. He knew he didn't deserve you to forgive him even if he desperately wanted to have you in his arms again. The night he kissed that girl in the club was still blurry. She had looked so much like you and he was missing you so much. It was one kiss that someone happened to get on camera and just like that you were out of his life. All it took was one stupid mistake.

You weren't doing well at all. Between barely getting any sleep and never leaving your friend's apartment life was miserable. You still felt broken from those pictures of Calum and that girl. Your friends were worried about you because they felt that 2 months should have been long enough for you to move on. What they didn't know was that you were so in love with him that you didn't want to move on. You still wanted to be with him even after what he did, which hurt almost more. No one wants to be that girl who stays with her cheating boyfriend. So, you stayed in your room sulking and feeling ashamed that you still missed him.

A week after the two-month mark of your breakup, your friend had gotten enough of you crying her guest room all day. She called Calum and told him to come talk to you. He was extremely hesitant, not wanting you to be even more angry at him. But, he got his shit together and came over anyways.

"Y/N?" He calls out from behind the guest bedroom door. You jumped out of bed and ran to the door. You paused for a few seconds before slowly opening the door.

"Cal? W-what are you doing here?" you ask surprised to see him. You could tell he looked so nervous to see you.

"Your friend called, she said I needed to come talk to you." You scoff and made a mental note to scold her later for going behind your back.

"Well you didn't need to come here. I'm fine." You reply coldly.

"I'm not. I'm nowhere near fine actually. I miss you like crazy and I don't know what to do with myself."

"You don't get to say that to me. Not after what you did, it's not fair Calum." You say breaking a bit at the end as your feelings start to come through. Calum feels himself start to tear up as he sees how much pain he'd put you through.

"Please let me explain Y/N. You don't know everything that happened that night." He pleads. You hesitate for a second, debating whether you should kick him out or hear him out. You look into his eyes and decide to listen to his story. He had made you so happy for those 2 years so you owed him.

"Okay, I'll listen but you have to tell the truth. I'll know if you're lying to me." He nods quickly and enters your room. You both sit on the bed and you prepare to hear the details of the cheating. What he told you was not what you expected. He explained that he was so drunk he couldn't see and that he genuinely thought you were the girl he was kissing you.

"I know it sounds like a shitty excuse but I promise, I never would have done something so fucking awful if I knew what was going on." Tears were streaming down his face at this point. You knew he was telling the truth and you felt awful that you hadn't heard him out two months earlier.

"It's okay Calum. I believe you." You tell him before pulling him into a hug, attempting to comfort him. He lets out a sob of relief and wraps his arms around you too.

"I love you so much Y/N. So, so much and I'm so sorry I put you through that."

"I love you so much too Cal." You reply, your heart feeling full again. The two of you would need to talk a bit more to figure out what to do next but for now you were going to cuddle and get some much-needed sleep

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