"Oh..." She paused for a moment as if she herself was without words to answer my questions with a blank place, than she spoke with a light smile "No no I'm totally fine. Yesterday I just had a quarrel with Taehyung and that's why I was crying. I'm really so sorry for just leaving you there worried." She looked at me trying to keep a bright face even though she failed, her eyes were becoming glassy

She scratched the corner of her left eye lightly and silently stuffed a strand of hair behind her ears looking down as she placed her left hand again on her tight looking down while still massaging her head with her right hand

There was a silence, a sad silence

My eyes were on her but my mind was wasn't working for a while

I couldn't understand why she was hiding? Why was she still trying to hide the pain that I could feel?

My heart ached, her eyes, they were so full of emotions

Her face, her lips, her body language

Everything of her was screaming that she was not okay, that she was becoming mentally weak, that she wanted support, that she wanted happiness, that she wanted Vhyung's love which of course she was not getting at all

But still after facing all these pain she managed to smile at me with that fake brightness on her face and managed to lie that she was okay

"You had your breakfast?" I thought to break the awkward silence and ease the situation by asking her randomly whatever was in my mind on that moment

"Huh?" She shifted her gaze up towards me as if she didn't even heard what I just asked her

As if she was busy deeply thinking about something

Her eyes were a bit widened as she looked at me with that confused look

"What happened to your head? Why you're massaging your head?" I asked looking at her right hand and than again at her

"O! My head is just aching a bit." She smiled looking at me as she lightly massaged her head

Shit! Her head must be aching cause of lack of sleep. Ahhhhhhhh... I shouldn't had came to meet her in such an early morning

I wish I could help her

I should help her

Than without even thinking a moment the words themselves ran out of my lips

"Can I message your head for you?" I asked with a confident look until I realized what I just now said and my eyes widened

The moment she heard what I said she stopped her massaging at once and literally we both just froze for a moment with that uncomfortable atmosphere

Her eyes widened again with shock and jaw literally dropped but she controlled herself

Of course she was not expecting something like that, her lips parted but she didn't spoke anything

What the hell!!!!

Than the next moment we both actually let out an awkward breathy laugh showing our teeth to each other

"O-Okay-y..." She said a bit awkwardly

How could I say something so weird to heard

On that particular scene I just wanted to die, I just wanted a truck to run over me so that at least I didn't had to face this situation anymore but there I was biting my lower lip nervously looking at her

I wish I could take my words back but than it would become even awkward

Anyways I stood up and she sat straightly as I walked around and stood behind her sofa

Moments That Never PassedWhere stories live. Discover now