Chapter 17

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Gerard's P.O.V

An/ hi um I kinda changed up the facts about where mcr first played at. Sorry if it bothers any of you I just kinda thought that it fit for what I was writing. Sorry again.

- the detonator

I woke up next to Frank on the couch. My neck fucking hurt, but watching Frankie sleeping next to me caught my attention. I looked down at his face. It was glorious. He looked so peaceful. I kissed his lips, hoping that would wake him up. He fluttered his eyes open. "Good morning beautiful." I said, breaking away from our kiss.

Ray, Mikey, Frank and I were all sitting down, talking about our new 'band'. "I'm thinking, we need to do a show. Just like maybe one or two songs." Mikey suggested. Everyone's eyes lit up, including mine. We called around restaurants, parks, anywhere we could play at really. We thought it was hopeless, until I over heard Ray. "Okay, thank you so much sir." Then he clicked the phone. "What's up Ray?" Frank asked. "We're getting a gig at the local park bitches!" He screamed. We all cheered, giving each other high fives and hugs all around. We finally fucking made it.

"When will we play?" I asked, stroking the red hair out of my eyes. "Tomorrow around two in the afternoon." Ray answered. "Shit. What song are we going to play? We only have fucking right songs done." I said, rubbing my face in frustration. "Hmm.. Skylines and Turnstiles and probably Vampires will never hurt you?" Frank suggested. "Sure, fuck it. Seems like the best songs we have for now." I added.

"Hey Gerard. How's it looking on buying our own house?" Frank asked. "Well, we need a semi big house for all of us. Right now, I need a couple thousand. Other than that, we're doing okay." I said, fixing Frank's hair. He gave me a thankful smile and fled off into our room to probably play his guitar.

"So what's up with you and Frankie? You guys have been dating for awhile." Mikey said. "We're really good now. I'm just really happy with him." I said, smiling to myself. Frankie walked in, hands in his pockets and smiling. "Yo." He said as he entered the room. "We need to get amps and shit." Ray said, forcing us into the car.

We drove to the nearest Guitar Center, hoping to find the right amps. We looked around. Frank checked out the guitars while we were there. The clerks seemed impressed by his skills. I mean, he was a musical genius, who wouldn't. We grabbed the best amps we could find and headed out. "Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee." I chanted. Everyone snickered and we headed to the nearest Starbucks.

We talked about the songs that we were going to play and other technical accessories that we were going to need. "Shit! We need that drummer!" Frank said, putting his hands on his face. "We fucking got this. Let's go to Bob's place. He'll learn this shit, easy pease pumpkin pease, pumpkin pie motherfucker." I said, laughing.

We drove to Bob's place which consisted of a shitty condo. Ray knocked on the door. "Who the fuck is it." Bob called out, opening the door. He stopped for a minute, then smiled. "Toro! Hey fucker!" He said, hugging Ray. "Who are these bastards?" He said, slowly frowning. "They asked me to be in a band with them. We actually need a favor from you." Ray said. "Come in dudes." Bob said, making way so we could come in. The place was absolutely filthy. Pizza boxes covered the floor, dust covered the furniture, it basically was THE shit. I ignored it, looking at Frank. He shared the same opinion about Bob's condo as me, as his face was bunched up. I giggled and looked at Ray talking to Bob.

"So, we actually need a drummer very badly because we're playing tomorrow. I bet you'll get it right away when you hear the songs." Ray explained. "Hell yeah I'll do it." Bob said. We became ecstatic. "Okay dude let's go practice!" I said, running to the car.

We drove home and practiced for a couple of hours. I was astounded about how fast Bob caught on. We stopped for the night, everyone was tired and stressed for tomorrow. Especially Mikey. Ray cuddled him and whispered things into his ear, making Mikey smile. Bob wanted to sleep in my house for the time being, just to be here before the 'big show'. We all said our goodnights and we went to bed. "Gerard?" Frankie whispered. I moved next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Yes Frankie?" I asked. "Do you think we'll do good?" I pondered. Would we? "Yes Frankie. We'll do our best." I said. I kissed Frankie goodnight and we fell asleep.

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