Chapter 12

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AN/// another shitty chapter

Frank's P.O.V

It was the day after 9/11, stained tear streaks marked my face. I looked around. No sign of Gerard. I looked around the house. Still nothing. I looked in the kitchen, hoping that he would be there making coffee, all I saw was a note on the refrigerator.

Gone out to do some shopping. I should be back a little after you are awake, Frankie. I love you. Call me, if need be. -xoxogee

I was a little worried, still thinking about the actions from yesterday, but hopefully he was safe. I pondered back and forth, trying to stay calm, when I heard the door close. I walked to the entrance, it was Gerard. "Thank God you're safe. Do you need help?" I asked, hugging him. He just stood there. "Gerard? Are you okay?" He looked down, covering his face. It was the aftermath of the towers. He kept it all in, but now, it needed to be let out. I clutched his skinny body, guiding him to the ground. "Shh... It's okay." He looked at me with sad eyes, "it's not going to be okay Frankie. People died. Peoples loved ones died." He retorted. I fell silent. I knew I made the situation worse.

We stayed like that for awhile. "You look a little thin Gerard. I'm going to make you some food. You need to eat." I suggested, helping him get up. He shook his head, refusing to eat. "Gerard, I don't care, you need to eat." I said, leading him to the kitchen. I started making him some coffee. Hopefully that will cheer him up a bit.

He accepted my food and drinks. I was happy to see him eat. "Frank, I wrote a song in my journal. Can you please get it for me? I want you to see it." He stated, taking a sip of his coffee. I nodded, going into his room. I brought back the journal, handing it to Gerard. He flipped some pages, looking intently for it. "Ah, here." He said, giving me the journal. I looked through the lyrics, astounded about how good it is and how it told the sad tale of 9/11. I grabbed my guitar, trying to make the appropriate chords. Gerard gave me a small smile. I stopped. "These lyrics are phenomenal! Dude I can't even write like this." I praised him. "Heh.. Thanks Frank. It's just how I feel about it I guess." He said.

He stopped and looked at me. "Are you happy with what you're doing?" He asked randomly. "No. Not really. I feel like there's more out there for us." I stated. "Then let's get Mikey and Ray. Let's try to start a band. How bad could it possibly be?" He asked. I smiled at the idea.

Maybe starting a band would be pretty cool. The thought of saving kid's lives would be a rewarding feeling. Music has saved my life up until this point, but if we were the ones saving their lives, that would be amazing.

Gerard and I made our way to Mikey's room. To our surprise, they were up. "Hey we got an idea that'll blow your minds." Gerard said, actually happy about something. "We want to start a band. You know how we've been passionate about music, so why not start one? Just think about it! We can save kid's lives! Wouldn't that be fucking cool man." Gerard practically screamed out. The whole room erupted into laughter.

"But seriously, I'm in. I don't know about the rest of you, but this would be legendary." I said. "We're in." Mikey stated, holding Ray's hand. A big smile plastered on my face. "Fucking great. We'll start tomorrow. All we need now is a drummer." Gerard stated. "I know a dude named Bob. I think he'd be good." Ray said.

The dream of starting a band became more and more real. "Now, the most important part, what will the name be?" Gerard asked. We all pondered at the thought of the name "I've been reading this book called 'Ecstasy: Tree Tales of Chemical Romance' and it honestly sounds pretty cool." Mikey said. "Well, that sounds pretty cool, but it's a bit long. You know what would be cool? If we stuck a 'My' in front of it. So it'll be 'My Chemical Romance'." Gerard said.

Everyone seemed pleased with the name. "This will be the start of something great guys." Gerard said, hugging me. I smiled, knowing that I will be with Gerard through the whole thing.

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