Chapter 21

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Trying to wrap this up, I know people are getting impatient with my writing and shit, sorry. Anyways, oohhh high school is starting. OH AND GUYS IM IN A BAND. Heh... Idk if you guys care or not

Gerard's P.O.V

The next morning, we continued our routines, played in tiny venues, got wasted and smoked, all the shit like that. Sure, I loved the fuck out of it, but I've also considered stopping again. Hopefully it'll work out this time.

I sat on the couch, drinking some coffee, watching some tv, everything was good. It was around noon, we didn't get any calls to do any shows so we took a 'relaxing day'. Fuck, I need days like these. "Hey babe." Frank said, kissing my neck, grabbing a seat next to me. I smiled and turned my attention to the tv. I heard the guys come in, grabbing some coffee and food. I sighed, I was somewhat bored of the waiting. "So, no calls?" Ray asked from the kitchen. "No, what the fuck." I said, confused. I walked out of the house and to the cemetery. Frank tagged along, intertwining his hands with mine.

"We're visiting Elena again?" Frank asked. I nodded. I stopped in my tracks, startling Frank. I laid my head on Frank's neck. "I've been kind of worn out lately. I don't know, I've just been stressed and shit." I felt Frank nod. "I know Gee, I've seen by the way that you've been acting that you're really stressed. I love you, I'm here for you." Frank said, kissing my lips. I cracked a smile and left for Elena's tomb.

We sat with Elena, talked about our new band, how Frank and I are doing, how Mikey and Ray are doing, things like that. I could tell that Elena would be happy for us. We said our goodbyes to Elena and walked to the drug store, getting more cigarettes. Frank and I took a drag. Intoxicated by the smell and taste, I smiled and took another long drag.

We headed home, Frank and I hand in hand. Then, I felt hands cupped my mouth, dragging me away. I tried to scream, but it was muffled by the hands. I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down, blood seeped down my side. I heard Frank scream, punching the guy, but he was grabbed and dragged into another direction. My vision went blurry, I was going into shock. "Frank.." I whispered.

I woke up in pain, panicking. I was in a dark room tied up in a broken, wooden chair. The pain in my side hurt immensely. "Frank!" I yelled in the abandoned room. I heard a door creek open and close. "Hello Gerard. Having fun?" I heard the voice call out. I looked to see who it was. "Lindsey?" I questioned. She laughed. "Sure is!" She yelled. She walked up closer, squatting down to my face. "Looks like you're in pain?" She said, smirking. She looked at my side, kicking it. I grunted in pain, feeling hot tears stream down my face. "Where the fuck is Frank!" I yelled. She laughed, twirling her pigtails. "He's somewhere else. Don't worry about it though, you're not getting away." She laughed, walking out of the room.

I screamed in pain. I lost Frankie, and now he might be dead. I felt the tears coming more often than before. "Fuck you bitch!" I screamed. I struggled in my chair. Trying to get out of the cuffs that I was in. "I just want Frank." I murmured. I hung my head, trying not to cry. "I miss you, so far." I whispered.

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