Chapter 10

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AN// I met Gerard way on 7/19/14. it was the best experience of my life. he was so nice, genuine, anything you could imagine. I told him, if it wasn't for him, I'd be 6 feet underground. I got to hug him also. ^-^ but anyways, if you guys want to see pictures or get in contact with me, my Instagram is lady.of.our.sorrows I had 3.1k but someone deleted my acc .-. But yeah, I'm sorry for not updating. I've been kinda in a shit mood and I had to just stay away from everything. Idk I'm just not feeling it. Sorry if this chapter is kind f shitty. Like I said, I'm not really feeling it. I've had too much on my mind lately.

-the detonator

Gerard's P.O.V

It was around September now, the years have been moving around quickly with Frank and Mikey. Each of us doing our own things. I have seen Mikey grow into a teenager, doing such things that teenagers do. Surprisingly, him and Ray were still together, and so was Frank and I. Everyday was a blessing with that man around. School was still a drag, but I've changed my schedule so I could have every class with Frankie.

Seeing Frank and Mikey sleeping so peacefully made me dread making them wake up. Frank and I could just skip school. Yeah, fuck it, we're going to skip school. I don't give a shit about that place anyways. I put my hand on Franks cheek. His eyes slowly flickering open.

"Shit I'm sorry Frankie. I didn't mean to wake you." I said apologetically. "It's fine Gee. I was already awake. I just had my eyes closed." He said while giggling. I gave him a kiss on the lips. I heard a knock on the door, a voice chimed in. "You guys are such fags." Mikey said outside of my door. "I bet you do the same to Ray though." Frank said, giggling. Mikey turned to us, rolling his eyes, and turned into his room. We sat there laughing our asses off.

"We're skipping school today. Fuck it." I said while handing Frank some clothes to wear. "Sounds good to me,

I don't really give two shits about school anyways." Frank said while putting on the clothes that I provided for him.

"Dude I need to get a fucking job. If I want to move out soon, I need to get a job. Fuck this house. I'm taking you and Mikey with me. Fuck my mom. Fuck school. I can get a job as a clerk or some other shitty part time job opening they have." I said.

"Well, you could always get a job as a cartoon drawer, or a comic book artist, or a cartoon illustrator. You have the drawing skills for that." He suggested. "Yeah, you're right. I'll get an application online today." I said while making coffee. I handed him a cup, to which he gladly accepted.

"Can Ray come over today? We want to hang out today I guess." He said, a bit annoyed. "What's wrong Mikey?" I asked. "I don't know, really. It just seems like Ray and I aren't as close as we were back then." He explained, taking a sip of his drink. "Well, did you think that you should talk you him about the problem? It would help. That's what I did with Frank whenever we had a problem." I explained. "Yeah I guess you're right." He said while getting up.

I honestly felt pretty accomplished. Nowadays, Mikey gives me the advice that I need and I listen. It seems like I couldn't live without my brother. He helps me when I'm depressed or I need anything, really. "I want to take you and Ray to a double date with Frank and I. That would be fun man." I yelled to him. "Sure Gerard! Sounds good. Let me just hang out with him for a little while, then we'll go." He explained while getting dressed. He looked pretty good, maybe trying to impress Ray. I watched Mikey walk out the door.

Frank and I waited for them to get back. Passing the time wasn't easy when you're a self conscious looser, obviously. "So what do you want to do?" I asked Frank, nervously. "I don't really know Gee, want me to play my guitar? It'll pass the time." He suggested. I nodded in agreement and he brought his guitar to the couch where we were sitting. He strummed some random notes, plink plink. Even when he had some sour notes, it still sounded amazing.

He strummed some notes, paying close attention to the detail of the rhythm. I looked at him. Wow, he really gets into his guitar. Must have been a safe haven for him when he was living with his mother. I bet music is everyone's safe haven. I wanted to sing some words, but nothing came out. Maybe I was too afraid, thinking that Frank will hate my voice, I just couldn't do it.

Soon, after some time of hearing Frank play the guitar, Ray and Mikey came home. I was glad to see them both safe. "Hey, sorry we're late. Nothing bad happened, we just had to take care of some business." Mikey said, cheeks illuminating a red color. I gave him a small, acknowledging wink. "Let's head out, I'm fucking starving." Ray said.

"Wait! Is that a fender?" Ray asked abruptly. "Yeah man, you play?" Frank asked. "Fuck yeah man! I've been playing for awhile now. Fucking love it." He said, picking up Franks guitar, examining it. "Awesome condition too." He explained. "We have to play sometime." He said, smiling. Frank smiled back at him. I can tell that they're going to have a great relationship.

At the restaurant, Mikey and Ray clinched to one another, whereas Frank and I didn't so much. I guess he expected me to make the first move, and being the scared motherfucker I am, refused to mess anything up. Luckily, Frank met me halfway, holding my hand. I smiled at him. I could feel the customers disapproving glares burning into my head. I didn't care though, being with Frank made up for the shitty people.

We soon ordered our food, talking about a random subject. "Fuck yeah, I love the Misfits! They're my fucking idol." Frank said, eyes glowing just talking about them. We all smiled. I guess we all agreed that they were pretty fucking epic. "I would love to start a band one day." I said, taking a swig at my drink. "Yeah! That would be rad. We already have two guitarists. All we need is a bassist and a drummer!" Ray said ecstatically. "Well, I play bass. I've been learning." Mikey said shyly. "Babe that's great! See? All ready half way there!" Ray said while giving Mikey a quick peck on the lips. I smiled. Seeing how happy Mikey was made me happy too.

Soon, the double date shit was over and we said our goodbyes to Ray. We headed home. "Today was perfect." Mikey said, smiling. "Yeah, it was, wasn't it." Frank said. I guess it was pretty perfect.

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