Chapter 11

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AN// I have no idea how to say this but I really appreciate all of the reads and likes. I have some of my friends reading this (I have no idea why, I kinda thought that it was a bad idea but who cares) but I want to say; THANK YOU SO MUCH JAY FOR HELPING ME. She has been helping me so much throughout this fan fic and just me in general. She is my best fucking friend. If you're reading this jay, thank you so much man. You're the absolute best. I love you so much man. You're my best fucking friend and I'd die for you (mcr reference) and thank you aly (aka my Frankie) she is super rad too. She helped me on some parts and she's been there for me also. Ilysm. Enjoy.

-the detonator

Gerard's P.O.V

"You're going to do great babe." Frank said while fixing my shitty suit.

Today was my job interview. I looked at the time. September 11, 2001. 5:34 am. I had to get there early, that's just who I am I guess. I kissed Frank and headed off to the metro. It was the fastest way to the Cartoon Network™ industries.

I waited about thirty minutes for the metro to come. When it came, I got on, trying to enjoy the ride, when my phone suddenly started vibrated. I checked it.

Hey babe! I know you just left but, good luck! I bet that you're going to get the job! I love you so much. When you get here, I'm making you a special dinner (; -xoxofrnk

I giggled at the message. I knew what he wanted, which he's not going to get, yet. I shook my head, smiling.

I soon arrived at the industries. "Hello, I'm here for the cartoon illustrator job interview. She looked at me, smacking her gum, "yeah, you're the new guy huh? Go down the hall to the left. He should be there." She said annoyed. I thanked her and did what she told me.

I opened the door, observing the broad man standing in front of me. "Ah, yes, Gerard Arthur Way. What great timing you have. Up and early, that's how I like my clients." He said, giving me a hard pat on the back. Compared to him, I was a fucking scrawny midget. He sat me down, looking at my drawings and my resumé. "Well, these are pretty good Mr. Way. But, the girls need to look like actual girls. You know, big boobs, skinny, the whole package." He said. I cringed my face. "But sir, if I draw from that perspective then every little girl would think that they're imperfect, or that they're obese." I explained. He have me a contemplating look. "Suit yourself Mr. Way." He said, giving me my papers back. "You got the job, but you'll be creating the monsters." He said, giving me a slight smile. Monsters are okay I guess.

I shook his hand then left the building. I wanted to wait on telling Frank the need until I got home. I called him, "hey babe. I'm coming home from the network. I'll be home soon." "Okay Gee. I love you." "Love you too."

I made my way to the metro once again, waiting for it to come. Once it came, I sat in the uncomfortable seat one again.

I looked out of my window, shocked and sick.

The Twin Towers were up in flames. Burned, bloody bodies flying out of the buildings. Papers made their way down onto the ground. I looked at the people around my metro car. Some screamed, some cried, some tried to call their loved ones who probably worked in those towers. I couldn't fathom what I felt. I can't reclaim my innocence after what I saw.

I became restless, I wanted to see Frank as soon as I can. My phone rang, it was Frank. I picked up the phone, but I made no noise. I heard the crying cracks of his voice. "Did you see it." He asked dimly. "Yeah... I did." I soon felt my eyes water. "I saw it when I was coming back from the metro. It was in front of my eyes, Frank." I said, my voice cracking. I heard a whimper on the phone. "I'll be home in five minutes. I love you so much Frank. Please, come pick me up at the metro station and bring Mikey with you if he's home. I need to see you guys." I said, trying to hold in my cries. "Of course Gerard. I love you." "And I love you, Frank." I ended the call, trying to be patient on the ride to the station.

We soon came to the station. I looked at everyone around me. They looked dead. They looked like lifeless ghosts walking around. I found Frank and Mikey, who brought along Ray. I ran to them, hugging them. I heard soft cries from them, which made me hug them harder. I looked into Franks eyes.

He kissed me passionately, like he hasn't seen me in decades. I kissed back, trying to take him all in. It was like hell without him with me.

We soon departed, holding hands, back to my car.

I looked at them. They looked tired, stressed, depressed. We sped home. Once we came home, we immediately turned on the news. They showed the first tower collapsing, bodies falling to their doom, people screaming. Mikey ran to his room, to which Ray followed. Frank and I just stared blankly into the tv.

Then suddenly, another plane crashed into the second building. Frank ran into me, burying his head into my neck, sobbing. I stroked his hair. Trying to calm him down. More bodies flew down into the ground. My eyes started tearing up again. I turned off the tv and we headed into Mikey's room. I opened the door, only to find them sobbing on the ground. They looked up at me, sadness in their eyes. "The people- they just, jumped." Mikey said, choking up. I walked over to Mikey, sitting down. "They did it so they wouldn't burn to death, or wouldn't suffer a long death." I explained. He leaned over to me, laying on my chest. "Who did this." Ray said, rage filling his voice. "Terrorists." I stated.

They all looked down, tears escaping their eyes. "Are you guys hungry? Let me get you guys something to eat." They all shook their heads. I wasn't hungry either. The pain made me numb. We just say there, trying to put the pieces together. "Why would they do this?" Frank asked. "I don't know. Why would they do half the things they do?" I asked back. Everyone was silent.

We just sat there for the remainder of the night. Everyone mourned and shed their tears. This will effect us forever. The damage was already there, it can't be fixed. I looked at Mikey. He was out. So was Ray. I laid them both out on the floor, spreading a blanket on them. Frank and I walked out of Mikey's room and shut his door. "I'm not tired Frankie. I'll just sit out here." I said, looking down. "I want to be with you Gee. All I want is you right now. I can't stand to be away with you right now. Because what if something happens to you?" He asked. I hugged him, kissing his neck. "Nothing will happen to me, or to you, or to Mikey, or Ray. We're all a family now. I'm going to quit my job tomorrow. My mother is never home anyways. She's always with her pick of the week. We'll stay here." I said. He gave me a small smile. I led him to the couch, where he laid on my lap. I draped a blanket on him.

Seems like I'm not getting any sleep tonight. The thoughts of the buildings collapsing and the bodies falling filled my mind. I slowly got up, trying not to wake up Frank, and went to my desk. I found some paper and started writing some lyrics;

You're not in this alone

Let me break this awkward silence

Let me go, go on record

Be the first to say I'm sorry

Hear me out,

And if you take me down

Or would you lay me out

And if the world needs something better

Let's give them one more reason now, now, now

We walk in single file

We light our rails and punch our time

Ride escalators colder than a cell

I stopped there. Feeling sleep overcome me. I shut my eyes and fell into a dead like sleep.

The collision of your kissHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin