Penthouse Visit

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Everyone else went ahead of us. When we walked through the doors, they were already stepping onto one of the elevators. Unfortunately, there were a few photographers in the lobby area waiting to take photos of us. I walked with my head down and Jungkook covered me. I walked in front of him and behind Chen. The paparazzi didn't have a chance to take any photos of me. Thank God, I could just see the headlines now. An unidentified woman walking around with members of BTS. I seriously don't need that much attention.

We climbed into the elevator and took it up to the penthouse. It seemed like we were on that elevator for an eternity. I was happy when it finally stopped on the top floor. Chen stepped out of the elevator first and looked around. He turned to us to let us know the coast was clear. I walked out with Jungkook right behind me. We walked over to the door and Jungkook stopped me.

"I have to tell you before we go in here, that the boys just may come on a little strong. We don't get to hang out with women unless it's work-related. Be prepared to be bombarded with questions and maybe hugs, especially from Jimin and Hoseok." Jungkook said before he went and opened the door.

He let me go through the door first. It was so quiet, it was like no one was there. I looked back at Jungkook with suspicion. He looked at me and laughed.

"They're here, its just a really big suite. I smell food. They're probably in the kitchen. Follow me."

As he walked through the suite he began to yell.

"We're here. Where the hell is everyone? If you all are in the kitchen you all had better save me some food." He said as he walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

Everyone looked up at him. I was behind him, so they couldn't see me. Because Namjoon only saw him. He raised his voice.

"I thought you were bringing Mattie to me. Where the hell is she?"

"Hyung, calm down. You are a little too excited right now, and it's a bit scary."

Namjoon stood up and walked over to Jungkook with this crazy look on his face. He stopped right in front of him, and when he did, Jungkook stepped out of the way revealing me. Namjoon looked down at me and smiled showing off his dimples. He scooped me up into his arms and hugged me. He hugged me so tight, it felt like he was squeezing the life out of me. Over his shoulder, I could see Taehyung with a look of disgust on his face. He finally stopped squeezing me and put me down.

"Why were you so quiet standing there behind him? He almost got himself throttled messing with me." He said as Jungkook went to take his seat next to Yoongi.

"Surprise?" I said in a low voice.

"You're so fucking adorable it's not even funny. We'll be right back." He said to the guys as he grabbed my hand and walked away with me.

We walked into a small room that sort of looked like a closet. He turned on a light and closed the door. He took me into his arms again.

"I thought you weren't going to come because it was Kookie that came to get you instead of me." He said and looked away from me and down at the floor.

"I told you I'd be here. I mean what I say and say what I mean if that sounds right." I shrugged.

I couldn't help but think of Taehyung and how he must be feeling, and I feel bad all over again. Namjoon wrapped his arms around me again and whispered into my ear.

"I just wanted a few minutes alone with you before I introduce you to the guys." He sighed and kissed my forehead before he took my hand again.

We walked back out into the kitchen area. When we got there everyone stopped and looked at us except for Yoongi. For a thin man, he eats a lot. He was shoveling food into his face like it was his last meal. Namjoon waited for him to stop, but he didn't until Jin punched him in the arm. Namjoon introduced me.

"This is Mattie." He said, and everyone stood up and bowed.

"Mattie these are the guys. That's Jimin, Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and you've already met Jungkook." Each one of them came over and hugged me, except for Taehyung. He barely shook my hand and acted like he didn't know me.

That hurt a little, but since he wants to act like that, it's whatever. I won't let him ruin my night. Namjoon told me that everyone planned on watching a movie.

"They are planning to watch a scary movie. Do you want to join them or do you just want to be alone with me?" He asked with this mischievous grin.

As we waited for Jungkook to set up a projector, Hoseok started asking questions.

"What do you see in Namjoon? You know he's a monster and he destroys everything he touches, right?" He looked down and I looked down to see what he was looking at. He was being a little raunchy and looking at my lap. I quickly covered myself with the purse I was holding.

Namjoon came back with drinks and popcorn for everyone. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. Taehyung got up, and left the room. I guess that upset him too.

Jungkook finally got the projector up and running. The movie they decided on was "Train to Busan", it was on my list on Netflix, but I hadn't gotten around to watching it. I guess now would be a good time. Everyone grabbed their drinks and some popcorn, after that it got quiet because the movie was starting.

I had on a sweater, but for some unknown reason, I was still cold. Namjoon noticed it, left the room and quickly came back with a blanket. I was sitting next to him on the floor before. He wanted to be under the blanket it too, so I ended up sitting down between his long legs. He wrapped the blanket around us and made sure I was warm.

Taehyung came into the room, looked at us, and left in a hurry. Jimin called after him, but there wasn't any answer. I wonder where he went, and I hope he's okay.

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