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Caroline's POV

Today will be a stressing, yet exciting day. Today is the auction. This is my last year in high school and as the member of the organization committee, I gave the idea of making an auction where the seniors would have to go on date with people who would offer money... It wasn't only girls, guys would also be part of this. This might sound awful but we are always doing the same kind of things to get money for the school, aka selling cakes or washing cars... This was original and it was all to get the school some money for prom.

I was very nervous about how this would work because now that I'm no longer with Tyler, since he cheated on me with that were-slut Hayley, I don't know if there's any guys who will want to go on a date with me. Anyway, this event was keeping me busy which was good because it kept me from thinking about Tyler and how I was so blind... I think this could also be a good thing for Elena and Bonnie, since Elena has been all over the place since she turned, I mean first she was sired to Damon, then Jeremy died, making Elena turn it off and then she got her emotions back on and realized that her feelings for Damon weren't real, she still cares about him but she is not in love with him, Bonnie is always being the strong one and is dealing with Jeremy being gone, this event also helped her get her mind of it, at least for awhile.


We were now at the gym, that was decorated and had a small stage so the auction could begin.

"Care, I don't know about this." Bonnie said. "I'm not really into dressing all up and go on a date with a stranger."

"Bonnie, this can be fun. You just need to give this a shot. Who knows, you might have some fun on the date."

"I highly doubt it. I'm not ready to move on." Bonnie said.

"It's just a date. No one is going to force you into a relationship."

"Bon, I know you loved my brother but unfortunately he is gone... and I'm sure that he wouldn't was to see you like this. I'm sure that he would want you to be happy and find someone who loved you." Elena said.

"I'm just doing this for the school."

"Yeay!!" I said with a big smile, then said. "I'm gonna see who's coming."

I went to see how many people were waiting for the auction to start and were a bit more than I was expecting. I just hope this will be a success... I noticed Klaus, Elijah and Kol on the audience. They were probably here to give Rebekah their support, which is nice. I also noticed the were-slut in there and Damon.

I went back to see Elena and Bonnie, who were talking about how nervous they were.

"How is it?" Elena asked.

"It's more people than I was expecting."

"Okay, that's it. I'm out." Bonnie said but before she would left, Elena and I grabbed her.

"If Care is making me do this, you also need to do this." Elena said.

"I'm also nervous, Bonnie. I mean, what if no one chooses me?" I asked.

"I'm sure Klaus will choose you. He is been all over you since the Ball." Elena said with a smirk.

"Oh, Please... I'm sure Klaus is only here to support his sister." I said and my two best friends gave me a look, which I ignored.

It's true that Klaus gave me already a few gifts and even draw me but... he is the Original Hybrid, I'm sure I'm just a baby vampire in his eyes and he is only after me because I keep on saying no and he likes challenges. I'm nothing but a challenge for him...

"Everyone, get in your positions. The auction is about to start." Alaric said.

"I wish someone could compel me to forget about this after this ends." Bonnie said.

"Don't be like that. You might have a good time." I said.

"Yeah. Care is right. We can't be always so negative... Maybe this will be fun. If not, at least we suffered together." Elena said.

"That's the spirit!" I said with a smile.


"Good evening!" Alaric said, after getting into stage with a mic. "Before anything, in the name of school, I want to thank the students for organizing this event and you for attending to it. Please have your phones turn off or in silent and lets make this auction start."

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