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Caroline's POV

I'm going crazy. It's been days since Klaus helped me with Geometry, since he opened to me about his insecurities about his siblings loving him or not. I can't understand what's going on. Awhile ago I was completely heartbroken about Tyler and now here I am thinking of Klaus. I mean, I always found him intriguing but now it's more than that... Probably I'm only feeling like this because he has been making me feel better while I was suffering from being cheated on...

"Girls, I was talking with Stefan and since this week we have been actually studying instead of having fun or dealing with some supernatural crap we should reword ourselves and have some fun tonight." Rebekah said.

"I'm not really in the mood for going out." Bonnie said.

"And I don't feel very party mood." I said and everyone looked at me because I'm usually the one talking about parties. "I've been too stressed with exams."

I have been too stressed but wasn't with exams, it was with me trying to figure out how and when I started to see Klaus as more than the big bad wolf.

"I'm sorry, Bekah. How about we go out another day?" Elena asked.

"How about we sleep at my place? There's plenty of rooms and alcohol bottles and we could just have some fun."

"How do you think me dealing with Kol is better?" Bonnie asked.

"Seriously, Bonnie? Lately he seemed to be helping you a lot in doing spells..." I said with a smirk, because I did noticed she was warming up to him.

"Came on, Bonnie! It will be fun and if he starts to bother you, I'll ask Klaus to dagger him to learn the lesson." Rebekah said.

"I don't think we need to dagger him..." Bonnie said.

"Is someone starting to care about the Young Mikaelson?" Elena asked with a smirk.

"What? Pff... No! I don't care."

"Then you won't mind to go and sleep in the same house as Kol." Rebekah said with a smile.

"Sure." Bonnie said.

Rebekah's POV

After classes I went home and made my brother reunite with me in the living room.

"Thank you for actually coming here."

"Just tell us what you have to say." Kol said, not taking his eyes from his bloody phone.

"Can you not be using your phone while I'm talking?" I asked.

"Bekah, we all know it's probably you just announcing some crush you have on another human."

"Elijah!" I said to get Elijah to back me up.

"Kol, our sister request for our attendance because she had an announcement, the least we could do is to pay attention to what she has to say." Elijah said and I smiled to him as a thank you.

"Actually we could snap her neck and flee to not have to listen to her talking about her love interests ever again." Kol said.

"Shut up!" I yelled to Kol.

"Rebekah, just tell us what the bloody hell you want us to know. I'm starting to lose patience for this."

"Well, you better get some because tonight we will have guests." I said.

"Who called it on her announcing she has another crush? No one? Just me?" Kol asked, so I throw the pillow at his face.

"Actually, it's going to be here Bonnie, Caroline, Elena and Stefan. So you better be on your best behavior or I can tell them some of the dirt I have on you." I said.

"Do not be concerned, sister. We will all do our best to let your friends feel comfortable and welcomed at our place." Elijah said.

"Yes. Oh, and Rebekah. If you happen to think I'm telling any embarrassing stories about me, remember that I can go have a drink with Stefan and share some of your embarrassing stories." Klaus said.

"Just behave." I said.

"Should I go buy a bib for Klaus to be around Caroline? I mean, there's now even some with a wolf. Perfect for you, Nik." Kol said, showing in his phone a bib that had a wolf howling at the full moon.

" Kol said, showing in his phone a bib that had a wolf howling at the full moon

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"Keep with those jokes and I'll make you regret it..." Klaus said.

"Let's not start another argument, please. How about we just try to go through the night without any arguments? I believe we all want everyone to have a good time tonight and if we keep like this, they might want to leave and not visit us any time soon."

"Fine." Klaus and Kol said.

AN: Hey guys! I know in this chapter didn't happen much but I hope you liked it. Next chapter, I took the suggestion of klaroline_4_life about making a game night. So next chapter you can expect the game night and I can assure you there will be moments between Elejah, Klaroline, Kennett and Stebekah. Thank you so much to all of you who have been so supportive and kind to me, by commenting, voting and for simply keep reading my story. You guys are amazing!

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