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DEDICATION TO @Manga_Is_My_Life for commenting. Thanks so much ^w^


It was raining again. She must be crying, he mused. He knew that whenever she cried, it had to rain. He was one of the few that did. Only he, J, and G knew. Even she didn't even know, and she was the one causing all of it.

How bothersome.

But what irked him even more, was the fact that G had the guts to ask him to tail the worthless child, what with their past history. But, when He calls, you must answer.

What a load of bull.

He only took the job because he was eager to regain his lofty position. His decision had nothing to do with curiosity towards the girl. None at all.

Heck, who was he fooling? Even he wanted to meet her. She was the reason he existed, the reason why any of them existed.

Sometimes he wished she didn't exist, so J and G wouldn't, either. They were so troublesome, it was surprising how loved they were by the people. But if they didn't,  he wouldn't have a reason to hate, so it didn't make sense.

All this thinking was making his headache worse, preventing him from being able to hold the Cloak for much longer. Actually, he was surprised it lasted this lo-


He shouldn't have jinxed it.

She was turning around, and for lack of a better idea, he walked into the street.

"Watch out!" a hand grabbed his hoodie and yanked him backwards.

Landing on his rear, he looked up to see her flaming red hair fanning behind her, and he gulped.

G was so gonna get him for this.

A look of concern passed over her face and she held her hand out to him. He stared at it, puzzled, and she rolled her eyes. They weren't puffy. Had she really been crying? Was he following the wrong girl?

"C'mon, you can't just sit in the middle of the sidewalk. People will notice, ya know." She said, and suddenly furrowed her brows. "He's fine, now hush" She muttered under her breath, and only with his superior hearing was he able to hear her.

He grasped her hand, and with surprising strength she pulled him up. He winced, and she immediately turned over his hand, palm up. She saw four long scratches dominating the heel of his palm, and gasped softly.

"You're hurt... Come on, I'll take you to my place. No one's home at this time, so you won't be interrogated.

"Oh, and the name's Kisa. Can I ask why you walked into the road?" She said, pulling his sleeve to direct him.

"Uh.... I wasn't thinking...." he said absentmindedly, marveling at the fact that his headache had disappeared when she came in contact with his skin. That decided it. She was the one.

"Mm.... Oh! We're here." She said, stopping in front of a discreet house. He took in the plainness of it, thinking back on his black manor Down Below. How he longed to be there, instead of being fussed over by the girl, who was now dragging him down the hall to the left, through a swinging door, and sitting him down on a stool.

"Well?" She said, dragging him back to Earth. (Earth... so much nicer than Up Above. More life.)

"Well what?" he said, dragging his stare to her expectant gaze. ((You know, when you've been staring off into space for so long, then it takes you a bit to focus in on the other person... No? Oke den v.v))

"I told you mine, now what's yours?" She prodded.

"Wh-what? My what now?" he said wildly, and she sighed.

"Your name. What's your name?" She said exasperatedly, and he blinked at her.


"Damn right, oh." a foreign voice said from behind him, and he whirled around, shocked.

"What's wrong?" Kisa said, and he waved for silence.

Straining his ears, he heard their muted breathing, and exhaled slowly.

"S-sorry. Thought I heard something...." he said, turning back around. His ears were burning with mingled shame and embarrassment.

"Your ears. They're so cute!" She gushed suddenly, and he unconsciously reached up to hide them.

"No they're not. They're weird." he muttered, trying in vain to stop his blush from spreading to his face.





"What's your name?"

"Luce- Wait, what? How'd you do that?" he said, baffled. She had gotten him to open up faster than a midnight blossom at, well, midnight.

"Easily~ So your name is Luce? Cute~" she gushed again, and, of course, his ears flamed up again.

"Luce is a nickname." Luce muttered, and Kisa lit up.

"A nickname? For what? Ooo, I know! Lucifer!" she squealed, shocking Luce to the core. How did she...

"Haha~ Just kidding. I bet its for Lucius, like Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter." ((I think its obvious that I DON'T own HP, or Lucius Malfoy, but just in case, I DO NOT OWN THEM, COZ I'M NOT J K ROWLING. GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD.))

"Y-you're right." Luce said, doing some quick thinking. "It does stand for Lucius. Such a weird name, I know, so I prefer being called Luce."

Suddenly, ((DUN DUUUUUN! Sorry, thats just my reaction to the word "suddenly" Heh heh.... I'll shut up now.)) the lock clicked and the door knob began to turn.  Kisa and Luce were frozen to their seats as the door was pushed open, revealling....

CLIFFHANGER~~ On the first chapter, nonetheless. I feel proud. So, regarding Luce, previously known as L. ((If you didn't know that, then what, do you just ignore the PoV indicator all the way at the top? Geez, some people!)) What's his real name? Do you know? And who do you think he is? COMMENT BELOW! Seriously, it makes me feel loved. ^w^

And Kisa, beloved Kisa. ((Note that I'm acting like more than 1 person actually read this. QwQ)) If you have any guesses as to who/what she is, COMMENT BELOW.

Guess that concludes the first chapter of Good Intentions. Please, please, PLEASE comment. And even maybe vote? I ask for very little, I think. 3 votes, please. That'd be great.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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