twenty - nine ; thestrals

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Umbridge left the rest of us with Harry and Hermione, going who knows where. Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna and I were currently still being held harshly.

    Ron grumbles suddenly and whines, "I'm hungry."

        "Too bad Weasel. You're staying here until Umbridge gets ba-"

    "I have candy in my pockets." Ron interrupts.

        Goyle looks up at all the others with a huge grin. "Take it out." Ron hesitates for a moment until Goyle brings out his wand. "Now!"

    "Alright!" Ron turns his pockets inside out and sets the candy on the table. Wait. Those aren't... He's a genius. Puking Pastilles! A wide smile spreads across my face as they all grab a handful with one hand. I turn my head halfway to see Pucey spill it all in his mouth. They all had grins on their faces, but it was wiped away quickly as they held onto their stomachs. We all loosened from their grips and took our wands from the desk.

"Expelliarmus!" I yell at each of them, taking theirs away. They seemed to try to hold it in, but it didn't work. The whole room started to stink of vomit and I backed away. The floors started to cover with green liquid and I felt like puking myself. "Come on, let's get out of here." I tell the four and we all rushed out to hopefully find Harry and Hermione. "Where do you think they've gone?" I shouted as we all sprinted down the halls.

    "I bet you they'd be at the bridge, that's where we'll be leaving for the Ministry!" Ron replies.

We all ran over to the bridge and just as Ron said, we saw two rushing figures making their way over. "Where's Umbridge?" I asked Hermione and Harry.

    "The centaurs took care of her." Harry smirked, only earning a glare from Hermione. I shrugged it off, just the thought of knowing Umbridge isn't here anymore is enough for me.

        "So, how do we get to London?" Neville breathed.

    Harry took a slight pause before answering. "Look it's not like I don't appreciate everything you've done for me, all of you; but I've gotten you all in enough trouble as it is." He walked past us and began walking off when Neville objected.

        "Dumbledore's army is about doing something real. Or is that just words to you?" He asked.

            "Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself mate." Ron stepped in. I looked at Harry and see that he's agreeing.

    "So how do we get to London?" Harry asked, copying Neville.

        I looked towards Luna and she had a grin on her face. "We fly of course."


"Thestrals?" I asked as we made our way into the forest. The beautiful and yet strange creatures came into view and I smiled. Everyone except me, Harry and Luna had a confused look on their faces. "It's alright, we'll help you guys." I took Hermione's arm and dragged her to the nearest Thestral.

After a few trials, I finally got her on. She held on to him tightly even though to her, there seemed as though there was nothing there. I chuckled at her and ran over to find a Thestral for myself. I spun around several times before I felt a boney figure nudge me at my hair. I turned around and smiled widely before stroking its head. "Hey there." He made a sound that caught my attention, and the others. I looked down at what it was so intrigued by, and to my surprise; my wand was glowing like crazy. I let out a gasp and held it up to meet my eyes.

    "How'd you do that?" Ron asked clutching to his Thestral.

"I... I don't know." I shook my head and focused on what was important here, and that was saving Sirius.

The wand dimmed down over time and we were currently flying in the sky. Why was it doing that? It's never done that before. I shrug it off and start to drift asleep like Hermione beside me. I'm gonna need my strength when we get there.


I was shaken awake and instinctively, I opened my eyes to find that I was still on my Thestral, just on the ground.

    "C'mon, let's head to the Ministry." Harry says below me.

I nod my head and stretch a bit before hopping off and saying goodbye to the creature as it flies away. Remembering about last night, I take out my wand to see it's not glowing anymore. "When did my wand stop glowing?" I ask them as we rush to find a Ministry Entrance.

    "It did?" Ron stops as I hold up my wand. "Oh, it was when we were flying. Don't know why it stopped suddenly." He shrugs.

I shake my head anyways and place it back in my pocket. We divide in two groups to take the telephone transportation. Harry hands me the muggle money as he enters first with Neville, Ginny and Hermione. Then it was myself, Ron and Luna seeing as both of them didn't know how muggle money worked. In an instant, we were being pulled down to the Ministry. We met again with the others at the bottom as we ran to find the Department of Mysteries, seeing as no one was here; we took it as an advantage.

Or at least we thought no one was here.


Lol sorry for the short update! Idk why I'm just not confident about this book anymore.

But I am determined to finish it because trust me, Alana didn't just get cursed for no reason!

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