"Called what off?"

"Their relationship of course. He broke up with her," Christine burst out laughing. "Through a text."

I roll my eyes, "I think Jamie has infected you with her juice."

"Come on, don't tell me you aren't the least bit happy? Karma is finally catching up to bitches and I'm lucky enough to witness it." She points at her chest.

"And be on the receiving end." I add, glancing at her and searching for a parking space.

"Unfortunately but that won't be for long and this good news helps with the bad night I had."

"I wonder why Aiden broke up Evelyn." I muse swifty driving into an empty space.

"Because he has had enough of her bullshit." Christine supplies getting out of the car with me. "And I honestly feel bad for him, with the whole beating up a gay junior thing, I'm sure Evelyn has a handful. He's only human."

I frown, honestly feeling bad. I haven't seen Aiden since the night of the party and as a former friend, I'm worried and curious. I wonder what's going on with him.

"What's that face for? Don't tell me you're feeling for Aiden? I thought we were past this." Christine asks looping hands as we walk towards the entrance.

"Not that kind of feels, I'm worried about him."

"About who?" Jamie asks butting in from nowhere.


"What? You guys are back together so soon?"

I turn to glare at her, "What do you mean so soon?"

Jamie shrugs, bursting through the school's double doors. "He just broke up with Evelyn Munroe, I figured it'll take at least a week or two before you guys pick up again."

I rolls my eyes and Christine does so too. "I'm never getting back together with Aiden Macer again."

"Why not? You guys were epic."

I open my mouth to reply but then I see Ian and the words gets stuck as he literally takes my breath away. He's talking to a teacher in front of a class, about twenty feet away but I could feel his presence already. He has the school's black - with the yellow mascot and name - on, the hood down revealing his groomed hair. As always, radiating perfection.

"Because," Christine breaks me out of my trance like state and I see her smirking. "She's in love with Ian Maurice."

As if hearing his name, Ian looks up and our eyes meet. He winks at me before turning back to the teacher and giving his attention back.

"Aiden's better." I hear Jamie mutter and I snap my head to her.

"Now why would you say that?"

"I don't know." She shrugs, "I just think Aiden is perfect for you."

Something in me snaps.

"And what gave you the super power to know what's perfect and not perfect for me?"

I can tell my tone surprise Jamie, because she looks up confused and shocked. I glare.

"Chill Anna." Christine says as her hand rubs on my back, then as if running away from the awkward situation, she darts to my locker, crouching down and turning the lock.

Jamie raises both her hands up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

I blink, then sigh. "Sorry for snapping. Its just... well just say my night wasn't all that great."

Bruised AffectionsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant