Sociopath And A Mad Man

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A man was running through London, waving his arms and panicking. To everybody else, he was running from nothing. Only he could see them. He ran to his house and hurriedly put his key in the lock. He never made it inside though...

Mrs. Hudson knocked on the door to Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. All she got for a response was was a muffled irradiated 'what?'. 

"I got someone for you to meet, dear," Mrs. Hudson called. "Should I bring him over?"

"Mrs. Hudson, you know I don't like new people in my flat," Sherlock replied.

"He's really persisting, though," Mrs. Hudson told him. "And I think you'll like him. He's rather handsome."

"Well, that changes everything, doesn't it?" Sherlock snarled.

"Alright dear," Mrs. Hudson sighed. "But John might want to see him. He says he knows him."

"See who?" John asked. He hadn't been able to fall asleep so he figured he may as well make himself some tea.

"One of your friends wants to see you," Mrs. Hudson explained. "He's moving in downstairs."

"Oh?" John asked, looking  surprised. "Who?"

"John Smith," Mrs. Hudson answered. "Does he sound familiar?"

"John.... Smith?" John stuttered. He looked confused now. An expression Sherlock saw on him quite often. "What does he look like?"

"Well, sort of tall, black hair and... oh! He hasn't got eyebrows!" Mrs. Hudson explained.

"John, what's wrong?" Sherlock asked, for John looked alarmed now.

"I just met John Smith," John muttered. "At the clinic today. He was asking me where I lived..."

A confused silence fell on them all. They were all wondering who the man was, and what he wanted.

"Let's go meet him," Sherlock said suddenly, breaking the silence. John and Mrs. Hudson agreed, and they descended down the staircase together.

"Your happy about this, aren't you?" John whispered to Sherlock as they went down the stairs.

"Aren't you?" Sherlock asked back, giving his friend a small grin. John sighed.

"Hello?" Mrs. Hudson called, knocking an the door. "Mr. Smith?"

Instead of John Smith, however, a young ginger woman opened the door. "Hello?" she asked with a strong Scottish accent. She was married and had been ready to go somewhere but something interrupted her,  as shown by the state of her clothes, though she had not been expecting to go traveling. She was friends with John Smith and a makeup artist.

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Hudson greeted. "Is John in?"

"Oh, yeah, I'll get him," she went to go get the man but turned back at the last second. "What'd he do?"

"Nothing," Mrs. Hudson explained hastily. "These two just wanted to meet him."

The woman shrugged, and left. She didn't believe them. Sherlock came to the conclusion that 'John Smith' was a bit childish and she was helping him move in. Easy.

A few moments later, a man came up to the little group.

"Hello! Hi! That was my friend, she's... helping... with... stuff," he explained. Sherlock frowned at him. Apart from that John Smith was a traveler, he couldn't infer anything else. It bothered him immensely.

"Ah, hello Dr. Hedgehog Man!" Smith exclaimed, noticing John. He waved his hands around as he spoke, and seemed to think rather highly of himself. "Who's your friends?"

"Did you follow me home?" John asked, ignoring  Smiths question.

"Uh, no?" Smith clearly lied. "Coincidences, am I right?" 

"Who are you?" John asked, annoyed that the man was not answering his questions.

"Now, now boys, calm yourselves," Mrs. Hudson warned. They both shut up immediately. "Mr. Smith, would you kindly let us in?"

"My friends just call me the Doctor," Smith said. "And yes, come on in. Excuse the Ponds."

"Williams," another man corrected. He was married to the ginger lady, and was also planning on travel, and again, was interrupted. He was less impressive than John Smith.

"Ponds," Smith argued. He turned back to his visitors. "That's Rory." he pointed to the man and Rory waved. "And that's Amy." the ginger lady also waved.

"I've got work to do," Mrs. Hudson told them. "I'll be back later to see how your doing, Mr. Smith."

"Brilliant," Smith replied. "See ya, then."

Mrs. Hudson waved at them and left. When she was gone, the rest of the group sat down on the chairs. Sherlock and John were staring at Smith suspiciously and the Ponds almost looked resigned to this sort of events. Smith was looking at John and Sherlock curiously, as if he was trying to figure them out like Sherlock was doing.

"Have I seen you two before?" he suddenly asked. John frowned at him.

"You met me earlier at the clinic." John answered, even more confused.

"No, not like that," Smith replied, waving his hands around. "You both look familiar."

"I haven't met you before today," John repeated. And again, they all fell silent. Until Sherlock decided to ask his own questions.

"What do you want?" he asked and Smith looked at him in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Amy asked, looking at Smith then back to Sherlock and John. "Doctor, what did you do?" So they do call him Doctor.

"Not everything's my fault!" Smith argued. "Besides, ALIENS!"

The group stared at Smith, Sherlock and John confused while Amy and Rory looked like the equivalent of frustrated parents.

"Excuse us for a moment," Amy sighed. She led Smith and Rory away from Sherlock and John and into the next room, where they heard irritated whispers that gradually got louder. John turned to Sherlock.

"You're not showing off," he pointed out. "I'm surprised."

"Shut up," Sherlock snapped back. He didn't like John knowing he was just as confused as he was. John glared at him and waited. 

"I'm sorry," Sherlock muttered, just to make John happy. John grinned at him. 

They waited together for a few moments, but Smith and his friends seemed to have forgotten them. Eventually, Sherlock got bored and he stood up. He motioned for John to follow.

"I thought you'd be interested in these people," John whispered to him.

"I am," Sherlock whispered back. "Just you wait."

They left the room and were almost at the stairs when Smith interrupted them.

"Wait!" he called. John and Sherlock stopped for him. He was doubled over from running. "You can't leave with no introductions. That's how wars start!" He straightened up and held out his hand. "I'm the Doctor. And you are?"

"I am Sherlock Holmes and you've met my friend Dr. John Watson," Sherlock told him, ignoring his hand. 

"Friend?" Smith asked, looking confused. "You're not married?"

"What?! No!" John spluttered, looking offended. Sherlock tried to hide the hurt on his face, but John wasn't looking.

"I'm am so sorry," Smith said, looking more confused. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay for fish fingers and custard. Or maybe hamburgers with whipped cream?"

"John and I are quite busy," Sherlock informed him. "Goodbye, Doctor."

Smith shrugged and went back to his flat and Sherlock and John went to theirs. Both were still trouble by their encounter with John Smith.

Sherlock and Doctor Who belong to BBC.

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